Press Releases on the Massachusetts Economy

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State Senate Candidate Supports Keyes’ Legislative Integrity Plan

May 22, 2012/by Editorial Staff

State Roundup: State Spending Drops $290 Billion In 5 Years

News outlets examine a variety of state health policy issues,…
April 19, 2012/by Editorial Staff

Attracting Business Without Giving Away the Store

April 17, 2012/by Editorial Staff

Dover, Sherborn jobs: More out of work
April 9, 2012/by Editorial Staff

Debt From Big Dig Hampers Mass. Transportation

April 8, 2012/by Editorial Staff

Jobs picture in Mass. brightens a bit

March 27, 2012/by Editorial Staff

Jobless rates rise in most towns, but remain lower than early 2011

March 13, 2012/by Editorial Staff

Is It Manufacturing’s Moment?

February 3, 2012/by Editorial Staff

Patrick’s economic development plan is flawed

January 22, 2012/by Editorial Staff

Poftak: Freeze the unemployment tax

January 18, 2012/by Editorial Staff

Can employers require job applicants to have a high school diploma?

January 2, 2012/by Editorial Staff

How to Fill the Salvation Army’s Red Kettles

December 21, 2011/by Editorial Staff

Krugman, Comfy Pillows and Rick Perry

Paul Krugman, economist polemicist extraordinaire, took out…
August 15, 2011/by Jim Stergios


Companies that are three years old or younger have been the key to creating Massachusetts jobs in the wake of the last two recessions, according to a new study from Pioneer Institute.
August 4, 2011/by Editorial Staff

Outsourcing Helps Cities and Towns Provide Better Services for Less

New Report Shows Municipalities across the Bay State Can Reduce Costs by 75% and
Increase Productivity by Contracting Services
July 12, 2011/by Editorial Staff

State budget: Late and not so great

With the next fiscal year now the current fiscal year, it’s…
July 3, 2011/by Taylor Armerding

Did the 2009 stimulus work? provides a graphical representation of the stimulus…
June 7, 2011/by Jim Stergios

Squishy jobs

What to make from the latest jobs report?

After the April…
June 3, 2011/by Jim Stergios

The ‘Big Shrink’ – Massachusetts Firms’ Dramatic Drop in Size

Pioneer Institute study calls on lawmakers to respond to state's inability to create jobs
June 2, 2011/by Editorial Staff

Mend over matter

For those of you who are inclined to think that Massachusetts…
May 31, 2011/by Jim Stergios

It’s not where the gov is, it’s the business climate

The timing was lousy. Gov. Deval Patrick was on his big “trade…
March 23, 2011/by Taylor Armerding