Closing the Doors, Leaving a Legacy: Embark Microschool’s StoryMarch 6, 2025 - 12:28 pm
Study: Inclusionary Zoning Helps Some, but Can Jeopardize Broad-Based AffordabilityMarch 6, 2025 - 9:43 am
UK Oxford’s Robin Lane Fox on Homer & The IliadMarch 5, 2025 - 10:24 am
Director/Actor Samuel Lee Fudge on Marcus Garvey & Pan-AfricanismFebruary 26, 2025 - 1:31 pm
State Report Card on Telehealth Reform: Progress Slowed in 2024 Leaving Patients Without AccessFebruary 26, 2025 - 12:02 pm
Wildflower’s 70+ Microschools, Eight Years Later: Did Matt’s Vision Become Reality?February 20, 2025 - 2:31 pm
Pioneer Institute Study Says MA Housing Permitting Process Needs Systemic ReformFebruary 19, 2025 - 7:09 pm
Cornell’s Margaret Washington on Sojourner Truth, Abolitionism, & Women’s RightsFebruary 19, 2025 - 1:08 pm
UK Oxford & ASU’s Sir Jonathan Bate on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet & LoveFebruary 14, 2025 - 11:41 am
Mapping Mass Migration – New 2024 Census Estimates Show Surge in Population Growth, With Considerable CaveatsFebruary 13, 2025 - 1:13 pm
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Awkward Juxtaposition Department — Probation
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Better Government, News /byToday’s Globe detailed a new Boston Foundation report that shows state spending on the probation department rising at a rate of 163 percent over the last ten years, far outstripping almost every other part of state government. So, where’s the money going? Well, it appears that at least $2 million of it just walked out the door with one of their accounting clerks.
Going Off the Rails On the Khazei Train
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Better Government, News /by(sorry about the title, could not resist). In the last two weeks, two separate polls have come out (Globe and Rasmussen), both showing Martha Coakley with a significant lead. (Sidebar: The careful reader will note how much time is spent in the Globe poll determining that the respondent is a registered Democrat, unlike its previous effort in the Mayor’s race). The interesting part, at least for this observer, will be to see how Alan Khazei fares. In an abbreviated election cycle and starting with almost zero name recognition, he’s either running last or tied for third depending on which poll you believe. He’s managed to spin his amazing rolodex (note to self: make more billionaire friends) into fairly shocking endorsements […]
Too high a price to pay?
/0 Comments/in Blog, News, Related Education Blogs /byThe Chicago Tribune editorial page ran an incredible piece just before Thanksgiving. I will give much of it to you below, but you have to promise to watch the video I am linking to. We watched an interesting YouTube video the other day. It was brought to our attention by state Sen. James Meeks, the Chicago Democrat who is also pastor of Salem Baptist Church on the South Side. We think our readers should check out the video. It’ll open your eyes. Meeks, who chairs the Illinois Senate Education Committee, has been in a war with the Chicago Teachers Union since he had some tough things to say about public education in a Tribune essay and in a speech at […]
Be Careful What You Ask For
/0 Comments/in Blog, Healthcare /byWhen I read the informative report released by DHCFP and reported on in the Boston Globe today, I was struck by how well this insurance seems to meet the needs of most students. Less than 1% of students reach the caps that are imposed by the plans. That seems like a small number to me. And, the Safety Net Pool will wrap around these plans if the services that exceed that amount are sought in a hospital or community health center. So, what’s real beef here? I think some legislators cannot stand that insurance companies are a business and like any other for-profit business need to make a profit. Is the solution to require every student have coverage equivalent to […]
An enlightening comparison on Afghanistan policy
/0 Comments/in Blog, News /byNope, this is not directly related to Pioneer’s mission to promote great policies and big reforms in Massachusetts. But no matter what you think of the decision to send more troops to Afghanistan, it is worth highlighting two of the President’s speeches on the matter — one on March 27, 2009, when he announced “A New Strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan” and the speech this past Tuesday when, well, he announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. The March 27th speech can be seen here and the December 1 speech can be seen here. Hint: He is very consistent. The only difference between the respective new strategies was the addition of troops with an 18-month window for withdrawal.