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A National Market for Individual Health Insurance

Health insurance markets are regulated by the states under the McCarran-Ferguson Act (15 U.S.C. 1011) of 1945. The ‘purpose clause’ of the Act states that regulation and taxation of the business of insurance by the states is in the public interest. As a result of McCarran-Ferguson, evey health insurer must be licensed in the policyholder’s state of residence. The states have responded with a complex patchwork of mandates and laws that vary widely acrcros the country. [wpdm_package id=260]

Wellness Health Incentive Payment Program

Suitable healthcare should always involve an accountable partnership between the payor and the third party insurance administrator. The Wellness Health Incentive Payment (WHIP) Program facilitates better health/wellness outcomes by holding health insurance vendors fiscally responsible for health insurance administrative vendors according to the vendor’s wellness activity performance against nationally recognized health and wellness standards [wpdm_package id=259]

Intro to KIPP video

Check out this video introduction to Knowledge Is Power Program schools. It’s a very good reason to support legislation that goes beyond the current proposal by the governor — to support unfettered charters in urban districts where failure is the rule. Without a charter cap lift in MA, it is unlikely KIPP, which has one school in Lynn, will deepen its presence in the state.

Anyone besides Baker running for MA Governor?

Crossposting an interesting blog from EaBo Clipper at RedMassGroup: Here is your fourth installment of the Massachusetts Constitutional Office Money watch. There are 48 more to go. Wow can Charlie Baker turn on the money spigot when he needs to. Gubernatorial Race – Charlie Baker (R): $297,499 in nine deposits. That makes his monthly take in November over $400k for the third consecutive month. – Timothy Cahill (U): $0.00 in no deposits – Christy Mihos (R): $25,130 in four deposits including $10,000 from Christy himself. – Deval Patrick (D): $25,760 in 12 deposits Some big “ifs”, but if Christy keeps raising at $25K a month, it is going to be a short primary. If Treasurer Cahill raises no money or […]

Brookline — Busy Thanksgiving Season

Brookline has had a busy week. First, the town and its unions agreed to adopt the state’s Group Insurance Commission as their insurer for municipal employees — which should be a big source of savings. The longstanding position of the Town Administrator has been no movement from the current premium cost-sharing arrangement of 75% (i.e. the town pays 75% of the premium and the employee pays 25%) but, at the end, the town will end up paying 83% after three years. I don’t have access to either side’s numbers but it appears to be a win-win all around. Next, they’ve decided to take matters into their own hands and try to utilize stimulus funding to improve service on Bus Route […]