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4 lessons from vocational-technical schools

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve shared a number of videos on the way in which regional vocational-technical schools have made impressive progress on key metrics of academic learning, leveraged parental involvement and the business community, and provided lessons for all schools on how to support special needs students and lower dropout rates. With such success in the 26 regional vocational-technical schools, which function as standalone schools, two questions arise: How do we show the same level of success in Massachusetts’ other vocational-technical schools that operate within larger districts and do not have the same level of autonomy seen in the regionals? What are the lessons for the rest of the schools or for specific student populations? Here are […]

Gov. Patrick’s Regulatory Regime for Payment Reform

This was the testimony I submitted today to the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing for the hearing on the Governor’s proposal to reform the payment methods we use in health care and to change the delivery system. Thank you to Chairman Moore and Chairman Walsh and to the Committee members for the opportunity to speak with you today. My name is Josh Archambault, Director of Health Care Policy at Pioneer Institute. The issue before the Committee today—the Governor’s proposal to change the payment methodologies for the delivery of health care—would as currently written set up a framework for momentous regulatory intervention in the health care marketplace, and possible significant adverse impacts on health care access and spending in the […]

Mary Z. Connaughton Joins Pioneer Institute as Director of Administration and Finance

Mary Z. Connaughton Joins Pioneer Institute as Director of Administration and Finance

An education in history

On Monday, a Globe editorial noted that THE STATE’S new education reform law has been, by some measures, a highly utilized weapon. Turnaround efforts for the lowest-performing schools are proceeding apace, and the charter school community has responded eagerly to the challenge of expansion. But not every provision of the new law, approved in January of last year, has been fully utilized: Hopes that innovative school-transformation plans would bubble up from the community level have yet to be realized. The 35 Turnaround efforts and the robust response from charter school operators have, in fact, led to big steps forward, even though success is by no means assured. Turnaround efforts around the country have had disappointingly low rates of success. And […]

Voc-tech schools lowering the dropout rate

This is the fifth and final leg of my series on the tremendous progress being made in our regional vocational-technical (VTE) schools in Massachusetts. These schools have changed markedly in the past ten years, as they moved from a stance of opposition to the major pillars of Massachusetts’ landmark education reform law of 1993. By embracing accountability and the high-quality academic standards the state developed in the late 1990s, the regional VTEs were able to nurture students in an individual way that made sense given their interest in academics as well as career preparation. The unique vocational-technical education attributes of close adult relationship, individualized instruction to recognized benchmarks, and student choice and commitment to programs studied have combined to great […]