MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Op-ed: Charter and district schools need not be adversaries
By Thomas Birmingham
This op-ed appeared in the New Bedford…

Education Access Event to Feature Daughter of Lead Plaintiff in Brown vs Board of Ed
As Massachusetts debates raising the charter school cap, school…

Join us 9/19: Equal Access to Excellence: Charter & District School Reform
As the Commonwealth debates lifting charter school caps, district…

Study Highlights Best Practices In Summer Enrichment Programs
Read coverage of this report in The Recorder.
Second of three-part…

Mass. Public Officials Must Brush Aside The Know-Nothings’ Legacy Of Bigotry
Last week, Pioneer Institute Executive Director Jim Stergios…

Event To Call For Moving “Know-Nothing” Governor’s Portrait From State House Wall
Bigoted Know-Nothing Amendments still part of state constitution

Join us 8/1: “Move This Portrait: The Know-Nothings’ Governor & Barriers to School Choice”
Henry Gardner was the Know-Nothing Governor of Massachusetts…

Study: Character Education in Mass. Charter Public Schools Improving Academic Results, Social Behavior
Two local case studies demonstrate benefits, but many programs…

Survey: Majority of MA Independent Schools Offer Academically Oriented Summer Programs
Report is first in series on summer enrichment programs that…

Charter Funding Study Calls For Money To More Closely Follow Students
State should fund “target aid,” increase funding that follows…

Press Release: National Charter School Hall Of Fame Member & Accomplished Researcher Among Charter Forum Speakers
Join us for “Best Practices from Urban Charter Schools,” a Pioneer Institute forum at Boston’s Omni Parker House hotel on Wednesday, May 4th from 8:00-9:50 a.m.

Join Us May 4th: “Best Practices from Urban Charter Public Schools”
As the charter public school debate heats up, it’s important…

Public Statement: MA Senate Bill Ducks Moral Responsibility to Lead on Charter Schools
The Massachusetts Senate’s charter public school bill is disappointing…

Op-ed: State plays politics over charters
it’s time for Massachusetts to stop playing political games with the charter authorization process.

Addressing Inequality through K-12 Education in Boston
According to a new Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) study…

Guest Opinion: Time to end Know-Nothing legacy once and for all
We should expel the Know-Nothings’ anti-Irish-Catholic amendment from the Massachusetts constitution, and remove bigoted Governor Gardner’s portrait from a position of prominence in our Statehouse.

Studies: Western Mass. Charter Schools Using Data to Improve Achievement
Case Studies Describe Best Practices Of Two Successful Western…

Study: Charter Schools Delivering on Promise of Curricular Innovation
Mystic Valley and Advanced Math and Science Academy charter schools…

Study: Mass. Charter Public Schools Boosting Achievement for English Language Learners
Schools using inclusion, data-driven instruction, and parent…

Pathways to Equal Opportunity: Vocational-Technical Education & the Liberal Arts
A century ago, two prominent African-American educators, W.E.B.…

Survey: Proposed Voucher Large Enough to Give Majority of Low-Income Recipients Access to Religiously Affiliated Schools
BOSTON - An annual voucher of between $6,000 and $8,000 would…

Kids and Families Deserve More: Catholic Education and School Choice
Pioneer held an education forum on Friday, July 31, 2015, “Know-Nothings’…

Study Proposes School Voucher Plan for 10,000 Low-Income Mass. Students
New Study Proposes School Voucher Plan for 10,000 Low-Income…

Join us 7/31: “Know-Nothings’ Nativism, Catholic Education, and School Choice”
In the wake of the Colorado Supreme Court ruling against the…

Innovative Approaches to Developing Effective Teachers
Pioneer Institute study looks at charter public school successes beyond…

New Report: Closing the Achievement Gap Through METCO
Closing the Achievement Gap Through METCO
Pioneer Institute…

The Civil Rights Issue of Our Era
Black History Month may have come and gone but Pioneer believes…

Civil Rights: Charter Schools and Teacher Unions
Widow of Civil Rights Legend, Editor of MLK Papers to Keynote…

Study: State Must Revise Flawed “Growth Model” & “Proven Provider” Regs
Charter School Study Calls for Revisions to the State’s Flawed…

Worcester Telegram & Gazette: Ed reform truly is matter of civil rights
By Sephira Shuttlesworth (This op-ed originally appeared in the…