MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

How Occupational Licensing Laws Reduce State and Local Tax Revenues: The Public Finance Case for Occupational Licensing Reform
This new report shows that overly burdensome occupational licensing requirements not only slow down the Massachusetts economy and cost the state tens of thousands of jobs, but also reduce state and local tax revenue.

Driving Critical Reforms at DCF: Ideas for a Direction Forward in Massachusetts’ Child and Family Services
This report dissects other studies and their recommendations, with additional suggestions for a direction forward for DCF in the context of a broader discussion of the agency’s recent history and issues with mission ambiguity. The first and most important recommendation is to overhaul the current two-tiered child intake system, which should be the central focus of any changes at the agency.

Testimony Before the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight Regarding Government Transparency
Mary Connaughton provides testimony before the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight regarding government transparency.

Shades of Green
This question is listed on the website for Gloucester’s Conservation Commission under “Frequently Asked Questions.” The Commission’s response is that all wetlands, including small seasonal wetlands, help clean stormwater, serve as drainage areas and provide habitat for many species.

Unfunded Public Employee Health Care Benefits and GASB 45
This paper will review Statement 45's potential impact on governments and review existing disclosures in financial reports as well as bond offering statements. The paper will discuss the Statement's impact on budgets and governmental operations, including collective bargaining. Funding options under Statement 45 will be detailed, including the advantages and disadvantages of irrevocable trusts and OPEB bonds. The paper will also discuss the impact of Medicare Part D subsidies received by governments, as well as the bond rating implications of policy decisions surrounding OPEB. Finally, the paper will discuss case law that has already come before state courts related to restructuring of benefits.