Wacky Pension-Related Hijinks

Or maybe not so wacky. The estimable adamg over at Universal…

Psst… the Speaker may be trying to tell you something.

First, Speaker DiMasi went to a Greater Boston Chamber breakfast…

More Drapes? Enough with the drapes!

Sometimes smart people cannot learn. We are smart people in Massachusetts.…

The Winter Moth

As winter turns to spring, or the day of it, anyway, we can expect…

School Choice in Boston

A brilliant author has crafted a masterwork on school choice,…

Earmarks and Elections

As a young man I always marvelled that the day for filing my…

Budget Minutiae – Part 2 of a 700 part series

More interesting fun with amendments and earmarks -- What if…

Crime in Urban Areas – Perception and Reality

At Pioneer's February conference on Revitalizing Middle Cities…

Budget Minutiae – Part 1 of a 700 part series

Spring in Massachusetts! Ahh, the joys... Opening Day, bulbs…

A ‘No Excuses’ Look at Education Reform

Pioneer Institute held a forum December 19, 2003, with the authors of No Excuses: Closing the Racial Gap in Learning. Abigail Thernstrom is a former member of Pioneer's Board of Academic Advisors and Stephan Thernstrom is a professor of government at Harvard University. Arguing that the poor academic performance (on average) of black and Hispanic students is a civil rights crisis, the Thernstroms call for the replication of charter and other innovative schools “with great leaders and great teachers who have high academic and behavioral standards.” Two respondents, Brett Peiser, founder and executive director of South Boston Harbor Academy Charter School, and Michael Contompasis, chief operating officer of the Boston Public Schools, gave their perspectives. The remarks of each speaker are excerpted below.

Comparing the Clinical Quality and Cost of Secondary Care in Academic Health Centers and in Community Hospitals

This study analyzes data from hospitals in six states, including…


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