MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

International Best-Seller Dr. Jung Chang On Wild Swans, Mao’s Tyranny, & Modern China
This week on “The Learning Curve,” Cara and Gerard are joined by Dr. Jung Chang, author of the best-selling books Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China; Mao: The Unknown Story; and Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister: Three Women at the Heart of Twentieth-Century China.

“Architecture is Frozen Music” Great Massachusetts Buildings – 25 Resources for K-12 Education
Understanding enduring public and private architecture is a key way to learn about art, ideas, and how they harmonize with our democracy. Yet, Massachusetts buildings are often never discussed in K-12 education. We’re offering a variety of links about outstanding houses and architecture across the Bay State for parents, teachers, and schoolchildren to enjoy, visit, and better appreciate, including:

Award-Winning Author Devery Anderson on the 65th Anniversary of the Murder of Emmett Till
This week on “The Learning Curve,” Cara and Gerard are joined by Devery Anderson, the author of Emmett Till: The Murder That Shocked the World and Propelled the Civil Rights Movement. Today, August 28th, marks the 65th anniversary of the brutal murder of 14-year old Emmett Till, a story which is central to understanding America's ongoing struggle for civil rights and racial justice.

California’s Common Core Apologia
In a recent blog, Dr. Michael Kirst, past president of the California State Board of Education, attempts to defend his record of Common Core implementation during that period. But policy experts Ze’ev Wurman & Williamson Evers set the Golden State's record during Common Core straight.

Public Statement: A Responsible Reply to the Fall River Superintendent’s Comments
In a recent opinion piece, Charlie Chieppo, a Pioneer Senior…

Celebrating the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday and School Choice
Today, we honor the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King,…

Join us 11/13: “Witnessing Hope: Cristo Rey Schools & Catholic Education”
As the country is engaged in a national discussion about equality…

METCO’s 50th Anniversary Focuses Attention on Pioneer’s Call to Expand & Improve the Program
The recent 50th anniversary of the Metropolitan Council for Educational…

Op-ed: Why Mass. must not let up on testing students
By Tom Birmingham APRIL 13, 2017
Massachusetts’ story…

Cursive and Historical Literacy: A Real World Example
In the age of computers and modern convenience, the relevancy…

Op-ed: Will DeVos avoid the Beltway education trap?
By Jim Stergios and Charles Chieppo
Read this op-ed online…

Be informed, especially today
Pioneer Institute's core mission is educating the public on policy…

Join us 8/1: “Move This Portrait: The Know-Nothings’ Governor & Barriers to School Choice”
Henry Gardner was the Know-Nothing Governor of Massachusetts…

Study: Character Education in Mass. Charter Public Schools Improving Academic Results, Social Behavior
Two local case studies demonstrate benefits, but many programs…

Join Us May 4th: “Best Practices from Urban Charter Public Schools”
As the charter public school debate heats up, it’s important…

Op-ed: State should revive US history requirement
To teach students how to exercise the rights and responsibilities associated with active citizenship in a democracy, Massachusetts should revive the requirement that public school students pass a US history MCAS test to graduate from high school.

Addressing Inequality through K-12 Education in Boston
According to a new Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) study…

Guest Opinion: Time to end Know-Nothing legacy once and for all
We should expel the Know-Nothings’ anti-Irish-Catholic amendment from the Massachusetts constitution, and remove bigoted Governor Gardner’s portrait from a position of prominence in our Statehouse.

Studies: Western Mass. Charter Schools Using Data to Improve Achievement
Case Studies Describe Best Practices Of Two Successful Western…

Study: Charter Schools Delivering on Promise of Curricular Innovation
Mystic Valley and Advanced Math and Science Academy charter schools…

Study: Mass. Charter Public Schools Boosting Achievement for English Language Learners
Schools using inclusion, data-driven instruction, and parent…

Pioneer Statement on Next-Generation MCAS Announcement
We applaud the Baker administration for proposing that Massachusetts…

What True Education Reform Leaders Think About MCAS & Charters
An op-ed in Tuesday's Boston Globe urges Massachusetts policymakers…

Testing the Tests: Why MCAS Is Better Than PARCC
Study: MCAS Less Expensive, More Rigorous and Provides Better…

Expanding Voc-Tech Education & Equality of Opportunity
Vocational-Technical Education, Equality of Educational Opportunity…

Study: Draft Science & Technology/Engineering Standards Should Be Withdrawn
Study Calls for Draft Science and Technology/Engineering Standards…

Pathways to Equal Opportunity: Vocational-Technical Education & the Liberal Arts
A century ago, two prominent African-American educators, W.E.B.…

Statement on 2015 MCAS Results and Preliminary, Incomplete 2015 PARCC Results
The release of 2015 MCAS results together with a patchwork of…

How Massachusetts Promoted Achievement Before Common Core & PARCC
Before the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education…

Kids and Families Deserve More: Catholic Education and School Choice
Pioneer held an education forum on Friday, July 31, 2015, “Know-Nothings’…