MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

Learning From Springfield: Lessons in Effective Fiscal Management

Lessons in Effective Fiscal Management Author(s): Steve Poftak…

Floor falls out in California housing

On the LA Times blog today there is a distressing bit of news…

Fed corporate tax killing state competitiveness

One could sum up a report from the Tax Foundation as saying the…

Counterintuitive Healthcare Cost Data

It has been the conventional wisdom that small businesses are…

So, which is it?

Our friends at CURP and A Better City held an event on Oct. 31st…

Debating biotech on NECN

Some improvements in the House version of the biotech bill resulted…

One down, two to go

Just a few months ago, a wise man said the proof of success in…

Nice job by Regional Planning Agencies

Kudos to the state's planning agencies for coming together to…

Two connections are missing

In a number of articles in the Boston press on the Governor's…

The Dome does not get it

But Steve Bailey does. Not because he mentions Pioneer's work…

Chinatown bus

I know there have been, let's call it, some issues with the Chinatown…

Concentrating poverty in our cities

The Globe reports in "Warehouse for the Poor" that Holyoke and…

Tough fight but they are right

Lenore and Skip Schloming of the Small Property Owners Association…

A bit like asking if we should build the South Coast rail link

A friend on Friday mentioned her visit to infamous Gravina Island.…

You can still make money in Boston real estate

In today's Metro, Mayor Menino is asked why the Hynes Center…

Unemployment Insurance: A Drag on Employment?

Unemployment Insurance in Massachusetts: Burdening Businesses and Hurting Job Creation, a new Pioneer Policy Brief, presents convincing evidence that UI’s problems are serious, but solvable.

New Business Creation and The Urban Economy

Author(s): John H. Friar — Publication date: 2008-02-28 Category:…

The Knock-on Effect of the Subprime Mess

I attended the Finance Advisory Board meeting last week and one…

Stack em high

What level of concentration of poverty is the right amount? Is…

46 years ago and still true

Jane Jacobs was the maven of public input, but she is also in…

Who said this?

Could, for instance, more services be privatized? Could state…

Maxing out the State Credit Card

As noted in yesterday's post, the Commonwealth signaled its intention…

American Exceptionalism

Joseph Stiglitz was spot on about the costs of the Iraq War.…

Science giveth and science taketh away

The ethical controversy surrounding embryonic stem cells engendered…

Some ugly numbers on deficient bridges

The Reason Foundation has posted up some data on the number of…

People v Place

In the High Court of Common Sense, the people will always win.…

Murray’s Healthcare Moment

The prospect for dynamic reform on Beacon Hill seemed slight…

Home of the Bean, the Cod, and the Free Glass of Tap Water

As much of the Sun Belt dries up, we may have to revise our tally…

Not rocket science – competition works

The Sunday Globe ran a great story on the dawn of a new industry…

Beware of Administrations Bearing Gifts

Remember the pledge to put 1000 new police officers on the street? That…