MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

Krugman, Comfy Pillows and Rick Perry

Paul Krugman, economist polemicist extraordinaire, took out…


Companies that are three years old or younger have been the key to creating Massachusetts jobs in the wake of the last two recessions, according to a new study from Pioneer Institute.

Outsourcing Helps Cities and Towns Provide Better Services for Less

New Report Shows Municipalities across the Bay State Can Reduce Costs by 75% and Increase Productivity by Contracting Services

State budget: Late and not so great

With the next fiscal year now the current fiscal year, it’s…

Did the 2009 stimulus work?

Economics21.org provides a graphical representation of the stimulus…

Squishy jobs

What to make from the latest jobs report? After the April…

The ‘Big Shrink’ – Massachusetts Firms’ Dramatic Drop in Size

Pioneer Institute study calls on lawmakers to respond to state's inability to create jobs

Mend over matter

For those of you who are inclined to think that Massachusetts…

It’s not where the gov is, it’s the business climate

The timing was lousy. Gov. Deval Patrick was on his big “trade…

American Exceptionalism

American exceptionalism does not spring from our economic or military power but rather from America's pioneer spirit.

“For small businesses, a hesitancy to hire”

An illustrative piece in the Boston Globe today by Megan Woolhouse…

WBUR RadioBoston: State Bets On The Future Of Industry

WBUR interviews Pioneer Executive Director Jim Stergios on whether the state should be targeting particular industries for tax incentives and other benefits.

GLOBE OP-ED: Mass. cities need new deal with public employees

The Mayor of New Bedford-- one of Pioneer's Middle Cities--…

Keeping Massachusetts Competitive: The Business Climate in Context

The Business Climate in Context Author(s): Steve Poftak — Publication…

Revenue sharing for cities is a non-starter

In today's Boston Herald Jay Fitzgerald penned a tough article…

Municipal Benchmarks for Massachusetts Middle Cities: Educational Achievement

A Look at Educational Achievement Author(s): Dr. Robert D. Gaudet…

Heading Down: The Loss of Massachusetts Headquarters

The Loss of Massachusetts Headquarters Author(s): John Friar…

Creating Jobs: Reforming Unemployment Insurance in Massachusetts

Author(s): Steve Poftak — Publication date: 2011-02-10 Category:…

This is dumb smart growth

While Pioneer has done quite a lot of work on water pricing and…

234 and counting

The piece Alan Wirzbicki did in today's Globe has pushed comments…

Driving the New Urban Agenda: Desired Outcomes for the Middle Cities Initiative

Desired Outcomes for the Middle Cities Initiative Author(s):…

Erroll Tyler and the IJ lawsuit

Kudos to the Globe editorial page and to the Boston Herald for…

Additional Reforms for the Governor’s Accelerated Bridge Repair Proposal

Author(s): Steve Poftak — Publication date: 2008-06-01 Category:…

Learning From Springfield: Lessons in Effective Fiscal Management

Lessons in Effective Fiscal Management Author(s): Steve Poftak…

Floor falls out in California housing

On the LA Times blog today there is a distressing bit of news…

Fed corporate tax killing state competitiveness

One could sum up a report from the Tax Foundation as saying the…