MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA

The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

The Clock is Ticking…….

The clock is ticking towards December 30, 2017.  As part of…

Teacher shortages

I love the Education Intelligence Agency. Click HERE to enter…

Floor falls out in California housing

On the LA Times blog today there is a distressing bit of news…

Boston Cops and the Civil Service Commission

Michelle McPhee, late of the Herald and currently on WTKK, has…


Slate's Tim Noah attempts to draw a parallel between Obama's…

School choice programs increase 84 percent in 5 years

No, not here, silly. In the rest of the United States! Do I have…

Seeking better bylaws: Zoning for new housing and historic preservation.

Chris Skelly at the Massachusetts Historical Commission asked…

Open Markets and Open Skies

The thicket of regulations which used to govern air travel between…

I went to a fight

...and a birthday party broke out. Sheesh, two police reports…

WaPo on Michelle Rhee and quality teachers

The keynote for this year's Better Government Competition, which…

A rose by another name

Totally off topic, but I do want to acknowledge Kevin Cullen's…

Getting the Incentives Right

At the end of the day, compensation systems are intended to attract…

Fed corporate tax killing state competitiveness

One could sum up a report from the Tax Foundation as saying the…

17-year old wisdom

We have an expression we use around the office: adult in the…

Thanks TxDoT

Our thanks to the kind folks at the Texas Department of Transportation…

Counterintuitive Healthcare Cost Data

It has been the conventional wisdom that small businesses are…

The Sage of Omaha on Executive Compensation

Today's Globe contains news of potential inquiries by Congressman…

From James Joyce to Grand Theft Auto

I've been reading David Boaz lately, so I'm in a bit of a Libertarian…

This is not a Freudian slip

The charming head of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO tells you exactly…

Forecast on foreclosures dismal. What to do?

More than 7,500 properties were foreclosed in MA in 2007. The…

Go to D.C, young man, for that is where fortunes are made.

Telling article on Forbes.com I just read this weekend listing…

Ouch from the Globe on state performance

The editorial page of today's Globe takes up a favorite theme…

Supply vs. Demand – and Demand is winning

The Boston Zoning Commission voted yesterday to approve the City…

Worse Than I Thought

Turns out I was wrong about the overall indebtedness of the Commonwealth,…

Blue Cross Blue Shield – The Public Trough?

I hate to go on a rant here, but $70,000 to be on the board of…

Michelle Rhee takes out the knife

From the Washingtonian.com piece on Michelle Rhee, the chancellor…

CitiStat: Don’t make a sham of it

Pioneer is on the cheering squad, promoting CitiStat programs.…

NYC charter to pay teachers more than lawyers

But the unions don't like this idea. A proposed New York City…

The Choice to Go Negative

By Obama? No, Silly. The New England Patriots. The Boston Globe…

Education leadership but not here

Diane Ravitch, Sol Stern and others have criticized Mayor Bloomberg…

Are local zoning, wetlands regulations “market oriented”?

At Thursday’s Pioneer forum on wetlands policy, one participant…