Disappointing piece from Dave Driscoll in the Globe

Former MA education commissioner David Driscoll opined today…

Kansas: Keep your Race to yourself

Kansas is not applying for Race to the Top funds, according to…

MBTA: Walking the Tightrope

On the face of it the MBTA and its new General Manager Richard…

Who's Milquetoast? The envelope please…

So some of you did not get the reference to Caspar Milquetoast,…

Watering down Milquetoast

Jamie Vaznis in today's Globe presents a bombshell: The state’s…

A missed opportunity to fix small business insurance

Small business insurance has been a mess in this state for a…

He is a maestro

Watch the video clip of Governor Patrick speaking in Lowell,…

Did He Say That?

From today's Jack Spillane piece on SouthCoastToday.com (and…

Donal Fox!

I know I am supposed to spruce up the blog with references to…

How Washington is undermining the Bay State's high education standards

We did not miss out on the Race to the Top primarily because…

Why MA finished 13th of 16 on the Race to the Top

Yesterday's piece in the Globe by Jamie Vaznis strikes me as…

MA vs. US: Round 1: Individual Mandate

A mandate made sense in MA for a few reasons.  First, it was…

A Low Cost Counterweight to Partners?

I'm fascinated by the thinking behind the Caritas-Cerberus tie-up…

How to Kill Off Manufacturing in Massachusetts

Manufacturing in Massachusetts is dead, right? Rusted out and…

Race to the Top out of reach

Holy s^&*! Jamie Vaznis of the Boston Globe is reporting that…

Auto insurance does not equal health insurance

What's wrong with a government mandate for health insurance?…

Are Large-Scale School Turnarounds A Myth?

Tough editorial from the WSJ today, calling the "doubling down"…

The Devil is in the Details

Anyone involved in the Massachusetts reform is probably being…

Goldhill's Atlantic Article on Healthcare

Thanks to all those who participated in last night’s Hewitt…

What Am I Missing?

The Cerberus-Caritas tie-up is a mystery to me. You've got a…

Hit the accelerator!

That's my takeaway from the 2009 NAEP reading results. Here are…

MA tops nation in reading for 3rd time in a row

From the Department of Education's press release: "Massachusetts…

Pitching 38

Curt Schilling (formerly of the Red Sox, ahem) is now seeking…

So whaddaya think about Sunday's vote?

Many thoughts but here are three key ones: 1) What a wasted…

Little settlement with words

Words have history, and that is really why they have power. All…

Prop 2 1/2 Jersey style

David Halbfinger of the New York Times reports that Governor…

NPT: Rumblings in the non-profit underground?

The Non-Profit Times sends almost daily emails with surveys and…

Calling all reporters!

My last blog noted that states will now have to adopt the common…

EdWeek: Adopt standards or forget RttT funds

Yesterday, the Globe published an editorial that made the reasonable…

Public Higher Ed Committee Member Rips MA K-12 Standards

Lane Glenn, vice president of academic affairs at Northern Essex…