MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Globe down 23%! Is it the price hike?
Jon Chesto says it is in a WickedLocal report.
I wonder, though.…

2 reasons why the Connector can't meet small biz insurance needs
Two thoughts on why the Massachusetts Connector has done such…

Award-winning film on public schools – Kendall, 4/30 – 5/6
Not to be missed for anyone who cares about public schools is…

Why's the Connector so slow in providing insurance choices to small biz?
It is amazing to watch the Governor take credit for slapping…

Not an American political convention
Saturday post. Off topic but hopefully a fun video. Intro. The…

MA & FL should get together to drive ed reform in US
I often say two things in different ways:
(1) MA is #1 on the…

IN says no thanks to RttT
So I guess Arne Duncan's "pretty please" letter to the Governors…

Letter from Arne Duncan: Please re-apply…
When translated from the language of the feds, the US Secretary…

Disappointing piece from Dave Driscoll in the Globe
Former MA education commissioner David Driscoll opined today…

Kansas: Keep your Race to yourself
Kansas is not applying for Race to the Top funds, according to…

MBTA: Walking the Tightrope
On the face of it the MBTA and its new General Manager Richard…

Who's Milquetoast? The envelope please…
So some of you did not get the reference to Caspar Milquetoast,…

Watering down Milquetoast
Jamie Vaznis in today's Globe presents a bombshell:
The state’s…

A missed opportunity to fix small business insurance
Small business insurance has been a mess in this state for a…

How Washington is undermining the Bay State's high education standards
We did not miss out on the Race to the Top primarily because…

Why MA finished 13th of 16 on the Race to the Top
Yesterday's piece in the Globe by Jamie Vaznis strikes me as…

MA vs. US: Round 1: Individual Mandate
A mandate made sense in MA for a few reasons. First, it was…

A Low Cost Counterweight to Partners?
I'm fascinated by the thinking behind the Caritas-Cerberus tie-up…

How to Kill Off Manufacturing in Massachusetts
Manufacturing in Massachusetts is dead, right? Rusted out and…

Race to the Top out of reach
Holy s^&*! Jamie Vaznis of the Boston Globe is reporting that…

Auto insurance does not equal health insurance
What's wrong with a government mandate for health insurance?…

Are Large-Scale School Turnarounds A Myth?
Tough editorial from the WSJ today, calling the "doubling down"…

The Devil is in the Details
Anyone involved in the Massachusetts reform is probably being…

Goldhill's Atlantic Article on Healthcare
Thanks to all those who participated in last night’s Hewitt…