Unintended Consequences?

The Wall Street Journal reports today that the recently passed…

Advice to BU grads as they go into the world

It's commencement time in Boston, which means a stream of events…

When will we go cashless on the Turnpike?

From Bob Poole is an update on all the toll roads migrating to…

Innovation Smithovation

We often hear about how charter schools are so innovative. And…

Running the Numbers – Elevator-Style

Here at the posh Pioneer HQ, we are well-aware of the vagaries…

The Return of the Nanny State

Or maybe its no sign-maker left behind. The latest 'nanny-state'…

Crying won't help you

Crying won't help you, praying won't do you no good When the…

MA vs. US: Round 2: Employer Penalties

Sorry, It's been awhile. Although the MA reform was considered…

Big kudos and 2 questions about the Aquapocalypse

Fred Laskey and his immediate staff did an incredible job in…

Congratulations to Paul Toner

The Cambridge Day News reported over the weekend that Paul Toner…

Addressing Staff Complaints

Stefan (to his Hungarian friends István) Poftak has not said…

Mr. Speaker, Why Stop With The CJAM?

UPDATE: Eagle-eyed reader notes that the amendment was filed…

Why Did the Old Woman Swallow the Fly?

So, in order to make the convention center (which taxpayers subsidized…

Questioning the AGs Means, Not Motive

This morning's Globe has a story on the Attorney General's office…

It's a beautiful day out

Keep looking up folks. The sky is still blue this morning. And…

Still Curious About State Workforce Numbers

Brian Mooney penned a piece for the Globe last week discussing…

National scholarship on education

NCLB had its day and advanced some useful trends at the state…

Collecting Taxes, Outlaw Style

Most of us know what will happen if we don't pay taxes lawfully…

A novel way to present your resume

Jon Kingsdale, former executive director of the Commonwealth…

And now VT takes a pass on Race to the Top

So now we are at VA, MN, CA and TX all taking a pass on RttT.…

Eliminating the Competition?

State regulations promulgated in December are going to close…

Globe down 23%! Is it the price hike?

Jon Chesto says it is in a WickedLocal report. I wonder, though.…

2 reasons why the Connector can't meet small biz insurance needs

Two thoughts on why the Massachusetts Connector has done such…

Award-winning film on public schools – Kendall, 4/30 – 5/6

Not to be missed for anyone who cares about public schools is…

Why's the Connector so slow in providing insurance choices to small biz?

It is amazing to watch the Governor take credit for slapping…

A constitutional threat

The Globe’s editorial early in the month welcoming Sarah Palin…

Not an American political convention

Saturday post. Off topic but hopefully a fun video. Intro. The…

MA & FL should get together to drive ed reform in US

I often say two things in different ways: (1) MA is #1 on the…

IN says no thanks to RttT

So I guess Arne Duncan's "pretty please" letter to the Governors…

Letter from Arne Duncan: Please re-apply…

When translated from the language of the feds, the US Secretary…