Governor, When is Excessiveness Excessive?

The state senate is trying to decide whether to override the…

Setting the Record Straight

When blogging, sometimes you shorthand -- summarize too quickly.…

Mr. Commissioner, Open This Road!

One of the great mysteries of urban life is the Department of…

Wishful Thinking On Romneycare & Obamacare for Employers

Over at the left-of-center blog The Incidental Economist, Austin…

Whoa! What Did DeNucci Know?

The Lowell Sun's Peter Lucas weighs in on the Merrimack Special…

National standards’ process and substance abuse

For a while it looked like all of thinking Washington was gaga…

Unions Have A Right to Fight – Legally

Unions have plenty of rights. They have the right to strike,…

Arne Duncan gets sent to the principal’s office

US Education Secretary Arne Duncan is losing his allies fast.…

Krugman, Comfy Pillows and Rick Perry

Paul Krugman, economist polemicist extraordinaire, took out…

Science for Consumers

The Massachusetts department of education (DESE) is under…

Massachusetts is 1st in the Nation on Health Care Cost!

However, this gold medal is one we wish we could return. Kaiser…

Thinking Snow? SnowCOP Technology

What? You aren’t thinking about snow right now? Well, while…

False Alarm on Science

In a nicely timed alarm, the state’s department of education…

Do exam schools add value?

Historically, many of Massachusetts’ political and economic…

Start-Ups Needed. Desperately.

Massachusetts has had some good short term news, creating jobs…

Red/Blue Connector? Gone.

Last week, MassDOT did the right thing - effectively ending the…

Pay No Mind to the Thieves from NH

How do we create jobs? If you read media accounts, you'd think…

The MBTA Gets One Right

It has almost become blood sport in these parts to pick on the…

Do you feel safer in a hospital or on an airplane?

The World Health Organization released a report recently that…

The New Normal: Job Creation In Massachusetts

Trying to figure out the jobs picture in Massachusetts is a challenging…

The Relentless Quest for Expansion

Some familiar faces are once again calling for new revenues for…

Meet the Pillars of the Clean Economy

Yep, your friendly MBTA bus driver and local garbage collector…

Learning the Wrong Lesson

Cutting through the bureaucratese of the assembled emails and…

Their Solution is Dilution

If there was any confusion about what Massachusetts public employee…

Feds Crapping Away Health $ and Increasing Deficit

GAO (Government Accountability Office) will release a report…

Vermont Single-Payer Plan Full of Holes

The Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts held a…

Muni Health Leap of Faith?

This space has written previously on the muni health portion…

A Platform You Can Believe In

Finally, a political party I can support unreservedly: Switzerland's…

Watch Me Pull A Rabbit Out of My Hat

Again? Ruffle up my sleeve. Presto. The Great and Good…

State budget: Late and not so great

With the next fiscal year now the current fiscal year, it’s…