MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

News Flash: Gruber and McDonough are Political
Jonathan Gruber and John McDonough are widely quoted in the media…

How Much Do Same-Sex Marriage & Health Care Overlap Constitutionally?
Socially liberal commentators opine against some conservative’s…

Applying Finance to Health Care: ROI of Wellness Programs
A new report from Health Fairs Direct, a corporate health and…

The Hidden Transit Enemy? Dwell Time.
Transit riders (like me) love to complain about how long certain…

If the State Takes the MBTA’s Debt, Then…
Multiple voices have suggested during this debate that the state…

Food For Thought on Saving Schools Money in Massachusetts
Yesterday, the Globe’s Deirdre Fernandes reported on the…

The Political Elegance of the MBTA’s Deficit Solution
If you want the details of today's MBTA deficit solution, take…

Sigh. Another MBTA Procurement Snafu?
As a sometimes commuter rail passenger, it's depressing to contemplate…

WSJ on “The Great Experiment” in Health Care
Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal($) wrote on Pioneer's…

The Patrick Administration’s Guide to the Public Records Law
(Co-authored with Pioneer's partner, Muckrock, which has extensive…

Stop grading Massachusetts transparency on a curve
As Pioneer's Steve Poftak has pointed out, the Office for Administration…

State Spends Millions — No Paper Trail
Our next adventure in accountability and transparency in state…

Transparency and Accountability for UMASS Law School
(See correction/clarification below)
In an effort to aid in…

Massachusetts Transparency: A long, long waiting game
For over a year now, the Pioneer Institute has been pursuing a…

The Boston Foundation Whacks Steve Grossman
The Boston Foundation has put out an interesting document, City…

How to Pay For High-quality Teachers
We all want high-quality teachers, right? What are we doing…

Fund the MBTA or People Will Die!
Got your attention? The Metropolitan Area Planning Council…

Handwaving away opposition to the national standards
Periodically, over at the Fordham blog, Checker Finn does his…

Massachusetts Dreams of Kick-starting a New Economy With Solar
"I've said all along, if Massachusetts can get clean energy technology…

Understanding Obamacare’s Essential Health Benefits for MA: Square Peg in a Round Hole?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurers to provide…

Psst. Hey MBTA, Could You Use $60 Million?
I had the pleasure of doing Bradley Jay's radio show on WBZ a…

“Removing the Barriers: Virtual Schools & State Regulations” (March 1, 2012)
On March 1st, 2012, Pioneer welcomed education experts from across…

What Exactly is the MBTA’s “Big Dig Debt”?
The back-and-forth over the MBTA finances has seen a great deal…

Are Turnaround Schools Just Spin?
The waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind Act will,…

Hold the Cork for The Connector
The Connector made a “big” announcement about the Business…

Case of the Missing State Reports
The Division of Health Care Finance and Policy (DHCFP) plays…

Driving Costs at Boston Public Schools
Education spending is one of those things that makes everyone…