What can Oklahoma Teach Massachusetts on Healthcare?

More patients and companies are moving away from traditional healthcare; this video of the Oklahoma Surgery Center explains why.

Inefficiency at Wellesley Schools stifles transparency

Sometimes the smaller the bureaucracy gets, the more inefficient…

Can Mass ACOs & ICOs Co-Exist? Wait…What is an ICO?

For those keeping track at home, ACO is the acronym for an…

9 States to Watch for ACA Implementation

Healthcare reporters have been in a frenzy to report this week…

Fallout from election 2012 on education

  You can summarize the fallout of the elections on schools…

Indiana’s airball on national education standards

  Basketball fans will remember the scene from the epic…

Why is the state not implementing the MCAS for U.S. history?

We are in the middle of a U.S. Senate campaign and, while…

Responding to Cadillac Tax Report Concerns

Pioneer's recent report on the Cadillac tax has garnered a good…

Big ACA Middle-Class Tax Increase in Mass, $87K for Small Biz Employee

Pioneer is releasing a new brief estimating the impact of…

Case Study-When Politics Influences Policy: Liberal Health Wonks from Mass

This afternoon FamiliesUSA released a report from a trifecta…

If Doctors Know the Price, Would It Change Behavior? Essay Contest

The great folks over at Costs of Care have opened their…

NYT: Medicare Bills Rise as Records Turn Electronic

The theory of cost savings don't always match what happens in…

Does Health IT Guarantee Better Care & Save Money?

Given the near universal HIT mandate in Chapter 224 of the…

Huck, Jim and our interest in education

Twain famously noted that the difference between the right…

The Democrats’ Platform on K-12 Education

Here is the Democratic National Platform on K-12 education,…

The GOP Platform on K-12 Education

Here is the Republican platform on K-12 education, taken from…

$14B in Medicare Cuts under ACA for Massachusetts

During the Presidential race, we have heard a lot about the $716…

Do Patient-Centered Medical Homes Save Money?

Locally, much has been made about the Massachusetts Patient-Centered…

Schools and the conventional wisdoms

Facts are, as John Adams famously noted, “stubborn things.”…

New England Raking in $$$ for ACA Exchanges, $351 million and counting

Josh Archambault, Director of Healthcare Policy at Pioneer Institute…

An expert’s view of national standards’ focus on non-fiction texts

(Gretchen Ertl for The New York Times) The Common Core national…

Change Coming for FSAs? Drop the “Use-it-or-Lose-It” Rule

HT to Meghan McCarthy at National Journal for the report and…

Sunset the Lawrence district school monopoly

One of two kids in the Lawrence Public School system do not…

Grossman wants to look squarely at reality

The treasurer’s call for a cut in the pension’s rate of return…

Rent Seeking in Mass Price Capping Law

After Moody's issued a credit negative analysis for hospitals…

Medicaid Patient Access in Mass

Yesterday the Massachusetts Medical Society released its annual…

Moody’s Report: New Mass Price Capping Law “Credit Negative” for Hospitals

In the soon to be long list of unintended consequences as…

Funny Business Ahead in Massachusetts?

Over at the Manhattan Institute, Paul Howard recently blogged…

The right reform path in Lawrence?

There are two issues that matter in K-12 education - what you…