Mass House Pulls a “Charlie Brown” on Payment Reform Redraft

The Massachusetts House rushed the release of their payment…

Video: But Will The Cost-Cutting Bills Really Save Money?

The debate on Beacon Hill is heating up on payment reform legislation,…

Is Maine Leading the Way on Health Care?

The Commonwealth is currently debating greater government intervention…

Will Your Next Cancer Treatment Be In New Hampshire?

New Hampshire lawmakers have a long history of jeering Massachusetts…

Red or Blue Pill for Payment Reform? Both Won’t Work

Are the House and Senate giving us a false choice for how to…

Cart Before the Horse in Media Coverage of Massachusetts Payment Reform

Before digging into the Senate bill this afternoon, I wanted…

I Pledge My Faith in Bureaucracy- Mass Health Reform II

The House version of payment reform creates a new mega agency,…

Many Unanswered Questions On Payment Reform

The next act of the Massachusetts health care reform drama…

If Only Governor Patrick Knew What His Medicaid Office Was Up To

While Governor Patrick has been pleading with the Legislature…

Is Romneycare A Budget Buster?

The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) put out a report…

News Flash: Gruber and McDonough are Political

Jonathan Gruber and John McDonough are widely quoted in the media…

How Much Do Same-Sex Marriage & Health Care Overlap Constitutionally?

Socially liberal commentators opine against some conservative’s…

Applying Finance to Health Care: ROI of Wellness Programs

A new report from Health Fairs Direct, a corporate health and…

WSJ on “The Great Experiment” in Health Care

Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal($) wrote on Pioneer's…

Hold the Cork for The Connector

The Connector made a “big” announcement about the Business…

Case of the Missing State Reports

The Division of Health Care Finance and Policy (DHCFP) plays…

BCBSF of MA and Health Affairs Spinning the MA Reform

The Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts (BCBSF)…

Are We Fighting Health Care Costs or Health Care Spending?

Liberal blogger Matt Yglesias over at Slate recently made…

A Deeper Dive into the Mass Health Reform Waiver & Why it Matters to the Future of the ACA

On December 20th, Governor Deval Patrick, and the entire Massachusetts…

Will 2012 be the year of the e-patient?

Dave deBronkart gave an interesting talk at a TED conference…

Mass and Feds Cut a Deal on Medicaid Waiver

This afternoon the Patrick Administration announced a new deal…

What will 2012 Look Like for Health Care?

I was recently asked by a reporter for some trends that I expect…

Will Mass Set up a Basic Health Plan under ACA?

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

Will the ACA Bankrupt the Mass Connector?

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

Obamacare Means Big Changes for Romneycare

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

The Connector Supports President Obama’s Reelection?

The Connector held its annual retreat this past weekend, and…

Session 6 -CMS & Mass Marriage Counseling

Today marks the 6th extension granted to the Commonwealth for…