National standards talking points

Across the country, the NGA and the CCSSO will be using these…

Innovation Smithovation

We often hear about how charter schools are so innovative. And…

Who's Milquetoast? The envelope please…

So some of you did not get the reference to Caspar Milquetoast,…

Watering down Milquetoast

Jamie Vaznis in today's Globe presents a bombshell: The state’s…

How Washington is undermining the Bay State's high education standards

We did not miss out on the Race to the Top primarily because…

Why MA finished 13th of 16 on the Race to the Top

Yesterday's piece in the Globe by Jamie Vaznis strikes me as…

Race to the Top out of reach

Holy s^&*! Jamie Vaznis of the Boston Globe is reporting that…

Are Large-Scale School Turnarounds A Myth?

Tough editorial from the WSJ today, calling the "doubling down"…

EdWeek: Adopt standards or forget RttT funds

Yesterday, the Globe published an editorial that made the reasonable…

Don't give up pole position on standards!

There is little to add to today's Globe editorial on academic…

NY Times decades behind on standards

The editorial on the national standards in today’s New York…

MetroWest Daily: Not these national standards

The MetroWest Daily today also published a different op-ed piece…

Worcester T&G: Keep nat'l standards voluntary

Today's Worcester Telegram & Gazette editorial underscores that…

Wurman & Stotsky skewer the proposed national standards

In the past days, the announcements by Minnesota and Virginia…

Our Stand on Standards

Seems our report and the release of the common core standards…

And now VA takes a pass on national standards

Bob Stuart of the News Virginian reports that now Virginia won’t…

Hole punched in national standards effort

As Sam Dillon of the New York Times noted our opposition to the…

Big dates with the feds

Here they are! - March 4th United States Secretary of Education…

Why soft skills are pernicious

Way back in February 2009, we criticized a report issued by the…

On Finn and Linn

Checker Finn has a great blog at the Flypaper, which notes the…

Arne Duncan goes DC

There was/is the big push to centralize health care. Now centralize…

Charters and disadvantaged students

We've had some long discussions with legislators and the media…

Good news on charter performance

From Marc Kenen of the Mass Charter School Association comes…

How is this for pushing hard to obtain Race to the Top Funds?

In a recent post, I pointed to the new Commissioner of Education…

Will the Gloucester mess impact the charter cap lift?

Whether House Education Committee Chair Marty Walz was deflecting…

Charter Watch, August 11

Thus begins our series of posts on how people are moving the…

Will MA forfeit education stimulus dollars?

/ passes on this AP report on US Ed Secretary Arne Duncan's…

Is KIPP really scalable?

Yesterday on Slate, in her review of Jay Mathews' new book on…

Patrick comes out for school choice!

Your Excellency, We at Pioneer were feeling as double-crossed…

School choice programs increase 84 percent in 5 years

No, not here, silly. In the rest of the United States! Do I have…