Handwaving away opposition to the national standards

Periodically, over at the Fordham blog, Checker Finn does his…

Mandatory Volunteerism

The last decade has seen an explosion in the number of middle…

Are Turnaround Schools Just Spin?

The waiver from the federal No Child Left Behind Act will,…

Moving the Goalposts on NCLB

Massachusetts and nine other states made news last week by…

Chipping away at charters

Charter school approvals are granted in February. They shouldn't…

What is blended learning?

A number of readers of recent posts on virtual (or digital) learning…

Tough Times on virtual learning

Back at the start of December, I blogged on the need for both…

The wrong strategy to fix Lawrence public schools

With a wondrous display of British understatement, the state’s…

Rise of the Zune Monopolists

"Understand, I am not for monopoly when we can help it,”…

Some lessons for virtual learning

There is so much energy in the virtual learning space right…

National standards will define local curricula

I don’t know why (well, actually, I do) the national standards…

Myths about National Standards: Myth #2

The French painter, poet, novelist, director, etc., Jean Cocteau…

Myths About National Standards: Myth #1

Being half Greek and long a admirer of Classical Antiquity,…

What will adoption of national standards cost Massachusetts schools?

It’s always struck me as odd that with all the talk about…

Massachusetts: Flatlined on national tests?

EdWeek's Erik Robelen is reporting on the just released national…

Halloween, Headless Horsemen and Literature in our Schools

The Headless Horseman, painting by John Quidor. In this season…

Inspector Clouseau-style accountability

I noted two weeks ago that recent MCAS data don’t tell a…

Steve Jobs on education in America

Tip of the hat to Whitney Tilson for passing around excerpts…

Is student achievement in Massachusetts falling flat?

The short answer that will come in this and blog posts in the…

Proven Approaches to Dropout Prevention

Tomorrow the state's Joint Committee on Education will meet…

Parent Power

(image from DropOutNation.net) Used to be that Massachusetts…

What if Bill Gates rewarded results?

Last winter, two things clarified my views on the utility of…

National standards’ process and substance abuse

For a while it looked like all of thinking Washington was gaga…

Arne Duncan gets sent to the principal’s office

US Education Secretary Arne Duncan is losing his allies fast.…

Do exam schools add value?

Historically, many of Massachusetts’ political and economic…

Virtually There

If Massachusetts has because of lack of leadership within the…

Virtually Worlds Apart

Mirror-mirror on the wall, which states are pushing innovation…

Uncommon and common goals

The dual mission of Phoenix Charter Academy—giving second…

Passion and Fellowship

Massachusetts charter schools have a strong record in serving…

Mother Courage

Earlier this week, I shared a couple of videos introducing…