MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Charter School Success: Importance in Suffolk County and College Enrollment
Learn about how charter schools set students up for success, especially in urban areas like Suffolk county. MCAS scores and college enrollment are stats that point to the impact of Charter schools.

School-Age Population Remains Steady, but Boston Struggles With Declining Enrollment
Hopefully, new leadership will ensure that the system makes the changes necessary to improve public education in Boston. Otherwise, enrollment declines will continue.

WV State Sen. Patricia Puertas Rucker on Universal School Choice
This week on “The Learning Curve," co-hosts Cara Candal and Gerard Robinson talk with Senator Patricia Puertas Rucker, a West Virginia state Senator and Chair of the Education Committee. Thanks to her leadership, West Virginia now has the widest, most universal education savings account program in America.

Accelerating Learning at KIPP
KIPP Academy Charter School is working hard to ensure that all students have access to high-quality instruction, especially as children everywhere struggle with post-COVID learning recovery. In this video, KIPP Academy Executive Director Nikki Barnes and KIPP Academy Lynn Middle School Principal Jimmy Seter allowed us into their in-depth discussion of the principles, objectives and strategies they use to foster an environment of encouragement, informed guidance, learning growth, and equity.

Andrew Campanella on National School Choice Week
This week on “The Learning Curve," co-hosts Gerard Robinson and Cara Candal talk with Andrew Campanella, the president of National School Choice Week. They discuss why 2021 was called the “Year of School Choice,” and the implications of more academic options for K-12 education reform across America.

A Conversation about Massachusetts Charter Schools: Retention Rate and Age Trends Among Public Educators
Massachusetts was home to 400 school districts in the 2020-2021…

Patterns Among Cape Cod Communities with a High Proportion of Private School Students
In Massachusetts, the association between education and demographic…

AZ Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick on National School Choice Week
This week on “The Learning Curve," Cara and Gerard kick off National School Choice Week with Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick, co-author with Kate Hardiman of a new book, Unshackled: Freeing America’s K–12 Education System. Justice Bolick shares his experiences serving on a state supreme court, and how it has shaped his understanding of America’s legal system.

Troubling takeaways from the SJC ruling on charter schools
These would be the best of times for Boston public charter…

Celebrating Black History Month
In the month of February, the nation honors the achievements…

Join Us on Catholic Schools Week for Special Film Screening Events
Join us as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, with special film…

Celebrating the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday and School Choice
Today, we honor the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King,…

Join us 11/13: “Witnessing Hope: Cristo Rey Schools & Catholic Education”
As the country is engaged in a national discussion about equality…

METCO’s 50th Anniversary Focuses Attention on Pioneer’s Call to Expand & Improve the Program
The recent 50th anniversary of the Metropolitan Council for Educational…

Closing Catholic Schools in Massachusetts Can Be Avoided
The Archdiocese of Boston recently announced that after operating…

Celebrating National Charter Public Schools Week
Great charter public schools are about great leadership. Charters…

Join Us Mar. 20: “A Fire You Can’t Put Out”: Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, Civil Rights, & School Choices
In the aftermath of a contentious electoral season, highlighted…

Celebrating School Choice Week: Removing Know-Nothing/Blaine Barriers to School Choice
On Day 5, the final day of National School Choice Week, we're…

Celebrating School Choice Week: Vocational-Technical Education
On Day 4 of National School Choice Week, we're shining the spotlight…

Celebrating School Choice Week: Digital Learning
On Day 3 of National School Choice Week, we explore opportunities…

Celebrating School Choice Week: The METCO Program
On Day 2 of National School Choice Week, we take a closer look…

Celebrating School Choice Week: Charter Public Schools
Today marks the beginning of National School Choice Week, an…

More Mass. Charter Public Schools: Daughter of Brown v. Board of Ed Plaintiff Makes the Case
Last Monday, Pioneer hosted the event "Equal Access to Excellence:…

Join Us May 4th: “Best Practices from Urban Charter Public Schools”
As the charter public school debate heats up, it’s important…

Addressing Inequality through K-12 Education in Boston
According to a new Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) study…

What True Education Reform Leaders Think About MCAS & Charters
An op-ed in Tuesday's Boston Globe urges Massachusetts policymakers…

Pathways to Equal Opportunity: Vocational-Technical Education & the Liberal Arts
A century ago, two prominent African-American educators, W.E.B.…

Kids and Families Deserve More: Catholic Education and School Choice
Pioneer held an education forum on Friday, July 31, 2015, “Know-Nothings’…

Join us 7/31: “Know-Nothings’ Nativism, Catholic Education, and School Choice”
In the wake of the Colorado Supreme Court ruling against the…

Suing to Lift the Charter School Cap
Lawsuit - who is part of it - Michael Keating (Foley-Hoag),…