MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Cracks in the national standards consensus
Back in the fall, I mentioned that I thought that after the…

Stealing from our ed reform blueprint
It used to be that Massachusetts was the state that everybody…

National standards dissent and pep rallies
About a week ago, the state of Texas responded to national…

Questioning the Convergence on National Standards
The Southern writer Flannery O'Connor’s Everything that Rises…

If the feds pay, the states will play
Don't worry, Governor Patrick, Lieutenant Governor Murray and…

Mid-terms and the national education debate
The national standards may have been approved in nearly 40…

The Texas standards controversy: You decide
Gilbert King notes in his blog that
Ironically, it was textbooks…

Massachusetts gets Race to the Top grant
The Race to the Top grants have been made and Massachusetts…

Ed Commish "blatantly violated the law"
Patrick Anderson at the Gloucester Times reports today that Superior…

On national standards, you get what you pay for
This week, State House News broke a story on the “cozy relationship”…

Well, so much for objective analysis : MA DESE and RttT one more time
The Secretary and Commissioner of Education have repeatedly…

National standards talking points
Across the country, the NGA and the CCSSO will be using these…

Who's Milquetoast? The envelope please…
So some of you did not get the reference to Caspar Milquetoast,…

Watering down Milquetoast
Jamie Vaznis in today's Globe presents a bombshell:
The state’s…

How Washington is undermining the Bay State's high education standards
We did not miss out on the Race to the Top primarily because…

Why MA finished 13th of 16 on the Race to the Top
Yesterday's piece in the Globe by Jamie Vaznis strikes me as…

Race to the Top out of reach
Holy s^&*! Jamie Vaznis of the Boston Globe is reporting that…

EdWeek: Adopt standards or forget RttT funds
Yesterday, the Globe published an editorial that made the reasonable…

Don't give up pole position on standards!
There is little to add to today's Globe editorial on academic…

NY Times decades behind on standards
The editorial on the national standards in today’s New York…

MetroWest Daily: Not these national standards
The MetroWest Daily today also published a different op-ed piece…

Worcester T&G: Keep nat'l standards voluntary
Today's Worcester Telegram & Gazette editorial underscores that…

Wurman & Stotsky skewer the proposed national standards
In the past days, the announcements by Minnesota and Virginia…

And now VA takes a pass on national standards
Bob Stuart of the News Virginian reports that now
Virginia won’t…

Hole punched in national standards effort
As Sam Dillon of the New York Times noted our opposition to the…

Why soft skills are pernicious
Way back in February 2009, we criticized a report issued by the…