MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

MassOpenBooks: A look inside MassPort
Every day, thousands of passengers pass through Logan Airport,…

A Primer on Secondary Revenue Sources for Local Governments
Using Pioneer Institute’s MassAnalysis tool, one can find information…

Coastal Towns Charge the Most Permit Fees Per Capita in Massachusetts
One of the ways local governments raise revenue is by requiring…

Pioneer Institute Celebrates Sunshine Week 2019
Sunshine Week is dedicated to bringing greater awareness to the…

Guess What Massachusetts Public Employee Earns Over $1 Million
The State Comptroller’s Office makes available annual salary…

How Much Does Your Local Government Raise from Fines and Forfeitures?
One of the ways local governments raise revenue to fund public…

Overtime Pay Tally Reveals Large Disparities
The top 50 overtime earners among state employees averaged $99,114…

$40 or Freedom: Uncounted Cash in the Legal System
Forty dollars isn’t chump change. It’s about three lunches…

Stonewalled at City Hall
Pioneer Institute interns often visit government offices to obtain…

Making Troopers Transparent: At What Cost?
In May 2018, The Boston Globe reported on its effort to gain…

Got Milk? The Answer Might Soon Be No in Massachusetts
It’s not a good time to be a dairy farmer in Massachusetts,…

Falsified Records & Shady Human Resources Policies: The Latest Scandal in the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
The Office of the Medical Examiner for Massachusetts is a taxpayer-funded…

Not signed, sealed, delivered
Even the casual observer has probably heard that Massachusetts…

Should Boston want to be the home of Amazon’s second headquarters?
Amazon is the kind of company whose mere presence is enough to…

Is local government in Massachusetts too pervasive?
In a country as culturally and politically diverse as the United…

Troop F Gets an A: State Auditor Overlooks DSP Corruption, Neglects Audits
The Office of the State Auditor’s (OSA’s) website describes…

“Isn’t Everything Online and Free?” The Exclusivity of MA Law Libraries
There are 15 Trial Court Law Libraries in Massachusetts to service…

Which State Employees Make More than the Boss?
In 2017, the Massachusetts Department of Corrections had 20 employees…

Why Did the Department of Corrections Pay a Chef $166,762 last year?
Pioneer Institute’s MassOpenBooks transparency tool shows an…

True Transparency Needed for SFI’s
Pioneer has long called for the Statements of Financial Interests…

The role of old industrial districts in residential suburbs
The City of Waltham was once an aging mill town. Its flagship…

How does the Commonwealth Pay for Roads?
Maintaining, safe, efficient public infrastructure challenges…

Which Cape Cod Town has the Best Summertime Revenue Take?
The towns of the Cape and Islands have economies built around…

Public Works Expenditures Across All 26 Gateway Cities
Using MassAnalysis.com, a free government transparency tool provided…

Where Does Your Community Stand: Using MassAnalysis to Compare Weston to Peer Towns
We can all learn a lot about our own behavior by watching the…

The Link Between Police Spending and Crime in Gateway Cities
Massachusetts “Gateway Cities” were defined in a 2007 Massachusetts…

2016 MBTA Bus Maintenance Costs up 27% Since 2011
Last spring, Pioneer reported on the MBTA’s out of control…

Top 10 Government Transparency Resolutions for 2018
We hear the word transparency a lot these days. Whether it's…

Beacon Hill Needs to Get This Right – Right Now
No one said it better than Justice Louis Brandeis. “Sunshine…