MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

New Brief Calls on the USED for School Closure Guidelines During COVID-19
Pioneer calls on the federal government to quickly release a single report identifying which federal laws - and which aspects of those laws - are relevant to the topic of school closure during the COVID pandemic, and providing concrete guidance on how schools can comply in the coming weeks.

7 Tools to Keep Your Child Engaged in Math During COVID-19
Proven resources that every parent can and should make use of now and well beyond COVID-19.

5 Book Series Parents Can Explore During COVID-19 School Closings
Looking for quality literature and books to share with your children while we’re all at home for the foreseeable future due to COVID-19? Here are some excellent options that will nurture a love for great classic literature and enduring historical figures:

This Week on The Learning Curve: E.D. Hirsch, Jr. on Background Knowledge & Educational Equity
This week on "The Learning Curve," Professor E.D. Hirsch, Jr., founder and chairman of the Core Knowledge Foundation, professor emeritus at UVA, and acclaimed author, discusses a critical ingredient of academic achievement, the shared background knowledge needed for language proficiency and cultural literacy.

Dimming the state’s literary light
September marks Johnson’s 310th birthday. His A Dictionary of the English Language (1755) used 114,000 timeless quotations to help define 42,000 words, making it among the most famous dictionaries in human history.

Study Calls for Tying Additional State Education Aid to Reforms
Narrowing funding gap between high-income and less affluent districts…

New Study Finds Multiple Problems with Push for Social-Emotional Learning in K-12 Education
Little research evidence for, or objective, reliable way to measure…

New Study Warns of Emergence of Two-Tiered Public Education System in Massachusetts
Contact Jamie Gass, 617-723-2277 ext. 210 or jgass@pioneerinstitute.org

Study: New Massachusetts Science Standards Inferior To Their Predecessors
As a result of ignoring input from a distinguished national expert, Massachusetts’ Next Generation Science Standards adopted last spring by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) fall short.

Study: Poor Performance of Other States in PARCC Consortium Would Translate to Lower Standards for Mass.
Attacks on MCAS for not producing “college-ready” graduates…

Testing the Tests: Why MCAS Is Better Than PARCC
Study: MCAS Less Expensive, More Rigorous and Provides Better…

Study: Draft Science & Technology/Engineering Standards Should Be Withdrawn
Study Calls for Draft Science and Technology/Engineering Standards…

Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester Should Recuse Himself from Upcoming Decision on PARCC & MCAS
BOSTON - Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Mitchell…

Pioneer Institute Statement on MBAE PARCC/MCAS Study
Recently, the Massachusetts Business Alliance for Education (MBAE)…

Study: New Technology, Relaxation of Protections Threaten Student Privacy
Press Release: Study Finds That New Technology, Relaxation of…