Tag Archive for: school

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

BC’s Dr. Matthias von Davier on TIMSS & K-12 Global STEM
Dr. von Davier explores his educational background and its influence on directing TIMSS & PIRLS, shedding light on psychometrics and standardized testing. He discusses the shift in education policy's focus, the global education data landscape, and the pandemic's effects on K-12 education around the world. Dr. von Davier addresses the alarming decline in U.S. educational performance, emphasizing the urgency to bridge achievement gaps. Drawing from international experiences, he highlights global examples for American policymakers from higher-performing countries, emphasizing the crucial links between education, skills, and innovation on the global economy.

Patterns Among Cape Cod Communities with a High Proportion of Private School Students
In Massachusetts, the association between education and demographic…

Talking Out Of School: Supreme Court Considers Campus Boundaries Within Social Media Universe
This week on Hubwonk, host Joe Selvaggi talks with constitutional scholar and CATO Institute Research Fellow Thomas Berry about the recently heard U.S. Supreme Court case, Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L., and its implications for free speech, school control, and the integration of social media into the rubric of first amendment protections.

The ABCs of the Newest Diagnostic Science for COVID-19 Testing
Join Hubwonk host Joe Selvaggi as he talks with Hannah Mamuszka, expert in diagnostic science, about the state of COVID-19 testing technology and its implications for a safer return to school and work in the fall.

Pioneer Institute Relaunches “One-Stop Shop” for Education Performance Data
Pioneer Institute is re-launching a new and improved MassReportCards.org, a one-stop shop for information on Massachusetts public schools, including test performance, school finance, and much more. The new version of the site includes additional and updated data, and is more user friendly than the original. MassReportCards adds to Pioneer’s suite of online transparency tools, MassWatch.

Study Highlights Best Practices In Summer Enrichment Programs
Read coverage of this report in The Recorder.
Second of three-part…

Exploring Jewish Day Schools in Massachusetts
A new Pioneer Institute study of Jewish day schools in Massachusetts calls for the creation of an education tax credit program to ensure that children have the widest possible access to the schools their parents choose for them.

“The Lawrence Reforms and School Choice” Panel Discussion
On July 31, 2012, Pioneer held a public forum, “The Lawrence…

Agenda for Leadership 2010: Hit the Ground Running – Pioneer Institute?s Agenda for Leadership for 2010 and Beyond
Pioneer Institute’s Agenda for Leadership for 2010 and Beyond…

Education Reform in Massachusetts: Using Student Data to Improve District Performance
Authors: Jamie Gass and Grant Wynn
This study, produced by…

Education Reform in Massachusetts: Using Student Data to Improve District Performance
Authors: Jamie Gass and Grant Wynn
This study, produced by…

Education Reform in Massachusetts: Aligning District Curricula with State Frameworks
This study produced by Pioneer Institute's Center for School…