Tag Archive for: price transparency

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Tracking Dunkin Prices Across Boston
While Dunkin is a staple of daily life for many people in Boston, its prices across locations are not necessarily consistent. Factors such as the level of foot traffic may cause prices to be higher or lower at different locations. So, where is the best bargain?

Analysis of Spending on Shoppable Services in Massachusetts
This report reveals that consumers in just one Massachusetts county could have saved nearly $22 million in a single year and $116.6 million adjusted for inflation over four years if they switched from using the most expensive providers for 16 shoppable healthcare services to those whose prices were closer to average.

Pioneer Institute’s Government Transparency Resolutions 2020
As we do each January, Pioneer shares the resolutions it hopes state leaders will adopt to bring government actions into better focus and invigorate our democracy with heightened public engagement.

Action on health care pricing transparency needed to stem rising costs
The Hill

2019 Hewitt Health Care Lecture: U.S. HHS Secretary Alex Azar’s Remarks on Healthcare Price Transparency, Opioid Crisis, HIV Epidemic & More
This past Monday, Pioneer held the 13th annual Hewitt Healthcare…