Tag Archive for: PARCC

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Pioneer Statement on Next-Generation MCAS Announcement
We applaud the Baker administration for proposing that Massachusetts…

Fordham report predictable, conflicted
Guest Post by Richard P. Phelps
On November 17, the Massachusetts…

Study: Poor Performance of Other States in PARCC Consortium Would Translate to Lower Standards for Mass.
Attacks on MCAS for not producing “college-ready” graduates…

Testing the Tests: Why MCAS Is Better Than PARCC
Study: MCAS Less Expensive, More Rigorous and Provides Better…

Statement on 2015 MCAS Results and Preliminary, Incomplete 2015 PARCC Results
The release of 2015 MCAS results together with a patchwork of…

Op-ed: Big money pushes PARCC and Common Core
Each year, much is written and said about K-12 education when…

Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester Should Recuse Himself from Upcoming Decision on PARCC & MCAS
BOSTON - Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education Mitchell…

Why Massachusetts Should Abandon the PARCC Tests & Common Core
It is difficult to find any public analysis and comments by teachers,…

Patriot Ledger: TOM BIRMINGHAM: Plan to scrap MCAS is a race to the middle
Read this op-ed in The Patriot Ledger, where it was originally…

On Common Core, a Study in Contrasts
In a front-page article in June, the Washington Post featured…

A Fractured Testing Landscape
One of the benefits of waking up at 3 am to do some work is that…

Let’s Not Waver on Testing: An Open Letter to MA Education Commissioner
In the letter below, Pioneer Institute Executive Director Jim…