Tag Archive for: nonprofit

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

PILOT Agreements: Nonprofits’ Fair Portion or Government Extortion?
A new white paper by Pioneer Institute calls for increased transparency over the basis for payment in lieu of taxes (“PILOT”) agreements between municipal governments and nonprofit organizations, while also encouraging nonprofits to publicize and expand the community benefits they provide.

Public Statement on Implementation of the Charitable Giving Deduction
Despite being awash in cash, the state Legislature just overrode Gov. Charlie Baker’s veto of a provision to delay by yet another year a tax deduction for charitable donations. Rep. Mark Cusack, House chair of the Joint Committee on Revenue, said “it doesn’t mean no, just not now.” If not now, when?

Nonprofit to For-Profit Conversions in Health Care
Privatization is a term that has triggered passionate debate…