Tag Archive for: legislature

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Sunshine Week 2024
Partly Sunny with a Chance of Transparency
As Pioneer Institute…

Pioneer Institute Statement on the State Legislature’s FY2024 Tax Relief Package
The recent advancement of a tax bill H. 4104, that is expected to be enacted by the Legislature this week after languishing for more than 20 months, puts Massachusetts taxpayers one step closer to realizing some tax relief. However, it may be too little to tackle the Commonwealth’s affordability and competitiveness challenges.

Public Statement on the House’s Proposed Tax Reform and Budget
Pioneer Institute applauds key tax reform provisions advanced by the Speaker and House leadership, including a reduced short-term capital gains tax rate and implementation of a single sales factor apportionment. But leadership must do more to bolster the state’s economic competitiveness and slow out-migration of wealth and business owners that endangers the commonwealth’s economic future.

Public Statement on the MA Legislature’s Blanket Pension Giveaway
Beacon Hill just put on full display what happens when it is awash in money. House Bill 2808 is entitled, “An Act relative to providing a COVID-19 retirement credit to essential public workers.” It calls for adding three years of additional retirement credit to state “employees who have volunteered to work or have been required to work at their respective worksites or any other worksite outside of their personal residences during the COVID-19 state of emergency…” But upon reading the brief bill, it quickly becomes clear that this legislation is irresponsible in the extreme.

Report: Proposed Graduated Income Tax Might Not Increase State Education and Transportation Spending
While supporters of a state constitutional amendment that would impose a 4 percent tax rate hike on annual income over $1 million claim additional revenue from the surtax will fund public education and transportation needs, the amendment in no way assures that there will be new spending on these priorities. In fact, without violating the amendment, total state education and transportation funding could stay the same or even fall, according to a new review published by Pioneer Institute.

Op-ed: Justification For 40% Legislative Leadership Raises Is Political Voodoo
When doing the people's will is secondary to legislators'…

Our Government Transparency Resolutions for 2017
Although transparency was the expression of choice on Beacon…

Key takeaways from new ride-for-hire legislation
There is, fortunately, no major cause for concern in the bill…

Time to End Mass. Legislature’s Self-Exemption from Open Meeting Law
PRESS RELEASE: Pioneer Contends the Legislature’s Self-Exemption…

Our Government Transparency Resolutions for 2016
While it's possible that 2016 will see an historic surge…

Boston Herald: Mass. must turn up lights
If Massachusetts is serious about transparency, state leaders should provide one-stop campaign contribution shopping.