Tag Archive for: #HealthcareInnovation

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Pioneer Institute Study Calls for Reforms to Ensure that Pharmacy Benefit Manager Practices Benefit Patients, Healthcare Payers
Congress likely to take up PBM reform early this year; Pioneer Institute Calls for PBM’s to be more transparent

Controlling Drug Prices: Costs and Benefits of Direct Negotiation with Big Pharma
Joe Selvaggi talks with Bill Smith, Director of the Life Sciences Initiative at Pioneer Institute, about the Inflation Reduction Act’s impact on drug pricing negotiations and its potential effects on drug development, consumers, and taxpayers.

Underfunding Overdose Alternatives: Price Controls Hinder Search for Non-Addictive Opioids
Joe Selvaggi talks with Pioneer Institute's Director of Healthcare Initiatives, Dr. Bill Smith, about the challenges posed by new regulations and price controls for developing alternatives to addictive opioids.

Posting Patient Prices: Transparency Cure for Hospital Blank Checks
Joe Selvaggi interviews entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder of PatientRightsAdvocate.org, Cynthia Fisher, discussing her research and advocacy for enhanced healthcare price transparency. This initiative has the potential to improve life expectancy and save Americans over a trillion dollars annually.

Genetic Therapy Revolution: Benefits and Barriers for Medicine’s New Horizon
Joe Selvaggi talks with neurobiologist and writer Dr. Anne Sydor about the potential for gene therapy to address deadly and debilitating diseases and how current health care models must adapt to encourage this nascent technology.