Tag Archive for: Governor

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Sunshine Week 2024
Partly Sunny with a Chance of Transparency
As Pioneer Institute…

Senate Tax Package Misses the Mark on Competitiveness
The Senate tax package, S.2397, is heavy on provisions that reduce the tax burden for certain taxpayers, thereby helping those that qualify for the expanded credits and deductions. The bill, however, is light on provisions that will improve the Commonwealth’s competitiveness.

Public Statement on the House’s Proposed Tax Reform and Budget
Pioneer Institute applauds key tax reform provisions advanced by the Speaker and House leadership, including a reduced short-term capital gains tax rate and implementation of a single sales factor apportionment. But leadership must do more to bolster the state’s economic competitiveness and slow out-migration of wealth and business owners that endangers the commonwealth’s economic future.

Grading State Governors: Do Higher Taxes Equate To Higher Value?
This week on Hubwonk, host Joe Selvaggi talks with Cato Institute’s Chris Edwards about the new report he co-authored entitled, "Fiscal Policy Report Card on America’s Governors 2022." They discuss how Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker’s fiscal stewardship compares with other states, and explore whether higher tax rates and spending correlate with better state performance and resident satisfaction.

The Future of Transportation in the Commonwealth
Taking advantage of the public comment period, Pioneer Institute…

Our Government Transparency Resolutions for 2017
Although transparency was the expression of choice on Beacon…

Congratulations to Gov. Charlie Baker
As a new Governor takes office today, words of advice will flow…

Massachusetts Gubernatorial Candidates on K-12 Education Policy
K-12 education policy too often is the province of powerful special…

Pioneer’s Public Statement on the Conference Committee Budget