Tag Archive for: Boston Globe

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Globe columnist Shirley Leung makes our argument on the tax hike amendment
In today's Boston Globe, business columnist Shirley Leung raises important questions about who exactly will be impacted by the tax hike amendment that will appear on the Massachusetts ballot in November. The answer is retirees and small business owners - and we have the data to prove it.

A truly progressive student loan policy
This op-ed originally appeared in the Boston Globe. It was written…

A wealth tax, a SCOTUS case, and a likely Mass. exodus
Op-ed in The Boston Globe: A case New Hampshire filed with the US Supreme Court last October against the Commonwealth of Massachusetts could have a huge impact on state finances nationwide. It also raises the stakes as the Massachusetts Legislature considers amending the state constitution to eliminate the state’s prohibition against a graduated income tax and to hike taxes on high earners.

Should the federal government provide free, universal child care?
Free, universal child care provided by the federal government would be contrary to the spirit of the Founders’ view of K-12 education as the constitutional domain of state and local governments.

A Step Forward on Meaningful Public Records Reform?
Yesterday’s Boston Globe editorial has it right - the time…

New “Grace Period” For ACA Implementation in Mass
These are strange days in healthcare. Even the Boston Globe is…

Biden vs. Romney