Tag Archive for: ballot

MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Fair Share Flimflam: Misleading Ballot Summary Could Distort Voter Choice
Joe Selvaggi talks with Attorney Kevin Martin, appellate litigator at Goodwin Proctor, about the complaint filed with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court regarding the summary language on the 2022 "Fair Share Tax” ballot initiative. Kevin explains how the language misleads the public about the impact of their vote on revenue, spending, and our state’s constitution.

Pioneer Supports Legal Challenge to Misleading Tax Ballot Language, Releases Video
Pioneer Institute supports the diverse and bipartisan group that filed a complaint with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) challenging the summary language meant to provide an accurate description of the tax hike amendment to voters. The language was approved by the Attorney General and Secretary of the Commonwealth when a similar amendment was proposed in 2018, and unless the lawsuit is successful, will likely appear on the Massachusetts ballot in November.

Study Says Massachusetts Surtax Proposal Could Reduce Taxable Income in the State by Over $2 Billion
As voters now begin to weigh the potential impact of a ballot proposal to increase taxes on business owners, retirees and wealthier households, a new literature review by Pioneer Institute shows that many existing academic studies find that wealthy individuals are particularly sensitive to changes in tax policy. Other studies explicitly warn policymakers that behavioral responses to taxing the rich could erode the tax base and ultimately strain state budgets.

Ballot Question 1: Risks & Regulations Regarding Right to Repair
Join host Joe Selvaggi and security technologist Prof. Bruce Schneier as they discuss risks associated with car telematics as well as how best to ensure public safety in the future of the internet of everything.

Study: New Federal Tax Law Would Exacerbate Economic Damage of Prop 80
This report earned media coverage on WGBH radio, WBZ radio,…

New Study Looks to Connecticut as Cautionary Tale for Impact of Proposed Ballot Initiative Hiking Taxes
Hear Greg Sullivan discuss this report on Bloomberg Radio.