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Filename PARCC-MCAS-WP.pdf
Filesize 5 MB
Version 1
Date added October 27, 2015
Downloaded 16224 times
Category Academic Standards, Common Core, Education, White Papers

Date: October 27, 2015

Authors: Mark McQuillan, Richard P. Phelps and Sandra Stotsky

This report concludes that revising and updating MCAS would result in lower costs and more rigorous assessments that would provide better information about student performance than adopting PARCC. The report compares PARCC, which is based on Common Core’s K-12 English and math standards, to pre-Common Core MCAS reading and writing tests. The study demonstrates that PARCC fails to meet the accountability provisions set forth in the state’s Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Department of Education in order to qualify for Race to the Top funding in 2010. The authors also dispute claims that PARCC could simultaneously determine whether students are academically eligible for a high school diploma and ensure college readiness.