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A Control Board Equipped for the Next Phase of MBTA Reform

In a new policy brief out today, Pioneer Institute calls on the Massachusetts Legislature to extend the life of the MBTA’s Fiscal and Management Control Board beyond the current fiscal year ending on June 30, and adjust it to address the agency's new challenges.
January 27, 2020/by Editorial Staff

Employers should offer commuter benefits to employees

There is no single solution to solve our traffic congestion crisis, but offering employees commuter benefits programs, which bring economic and environmental benefits, among others, can help.
January 7, 2020/by Mary Connaughton

Pioneer Urges MassDOT to Reconsider At-Grade Throat Option for I-90 Allston Multimodal Project

Pioneer's new Public Comment calls on the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to revise its Scoping Report on the I-90 Allston Multimodal Project and recommend an additional option to the Federal Highway Administration.
December 10, 2019/by Editorial Staff

Dynamic pricing for the Expressway

By Jim Stergios & Conrad Crawford

Published in The Boston…
December 10, 2019/by Jim Stergios

An easy transportation fix? Commuter benefits

This op-ed appeared in The Boston Business Journal on October…
October 29, 2019/by Mary Connaughton

Study Finds Revived Merit Rating Board Taking Steps to Carry Out Statutorily Mandated Duties

The Merit Rating Board’s recent adoption of a regular meeting schedule, and related resolutions, are important steps in light of that Board’s 1976 governing statute.
October 10, 2019/by Editorial Staff

Study Proposes “Marshall Plan” for Attracting and Retaining Talent Needed to Modernize the MBTA

Better hiring practices and internal organization, external resources…
October 7, 2019/by Editorial Staff

Pioneer Institute Announces Winner of 29th Annual Better Government Competition

Pioneer Institute is pleased to announce that Los Angeles Country Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro)’s program, “Operation Farm Team: Global Transportation Infrastructure Workforce Initiative” is the winner of the 29th annual Better Government Competition. The theme of the 2019 contest was, “Moving People, Moving Goods, Moving Forward,” focusing on innovations that prepare America for the future of transportation.
September 16, 2019/by Editorial Staff

Study Calls for Easing MBTA Procurement Restrictions and Beefing Up Project Management Capacity

Reforms needed if T is to achieve increased capital spending…
August 6, 2019/by Editorial Staff

Pioneer Institute Public Statement: A Season for Management Reforms

The MBTA's red and green line derailments this week highlight…
June 14, 2019/by Editorial Staff

The Mass. Pike is in for some massive disruption. Are we ready?

The Boston Globe

By Mary Connaughton and Jim Aloisi

May 31, 2019/by Mary Connaughton

Uber May Not Be Perfect, But Do We Want To Give The Transportation Revolution A Flat Tire?

This op-ed appeared on WGBH News.

You’d be right to shake…
May 16, 2019/by Jim Stergios

Mass Pike rebuild shouldn’t impact Worcester commuters, but it will

This op-ed originally appeared in The Worcester Telegram &…
May 3, 2019/by Mary Connaughton

Three Cheers for the MBTA’s Perq Commuter Benefits Program

Late last year, the MBTA rolled out a promotional campaign to…
April 25, 2019/by Editorial Staff

Whistleblowers Were Proven Right: MBTARF Was Underreporting Its Unfunded Pension Liabilities

In a new brief, Pioneer shows that whistleblowers’ 2015 claim…
March 6, 2019/by Editorial Staff

Pioneer Institute Public Statement on the MBTA’s Proposal to Increase Fares by 6.3 Percent

While Pioneer Institute opposed the 2016 MBTA fare increases,…
March 4, 2019/by Editorial Staff

Announcing Pioneer Institute’s 2019 Better Government Competition: “Moving People & Goods Forward”

America is a country on the move. Our economy and quality of…
January 3, 2019/by Editorial Staff

Review of MBTA Twitter Alerts Finds Fewer “Delayed” Trains, Corresponding Increase in Those “Running Behind”

BOSTON - A review of four years of MBTA commuter rail Twitter…
December 3, 2018/by Editorial Staff

Public Statement on MBTA Ridership & Pension Costs

Monday’s meeting of the MBTA Fiscal and Management Control…
November 29, 2018/by Editorial Staff

Co-author of Landmark Longfellow Bridge Study Optimistic about State Infrastructure Maintenance Investments

BOSTON - Reconstruction of the Longfellow Bridge is now complete,…
November 19, 2018/by Editorial Staff

The Future of Transportation in the Commonwealth

Taking advantage of the public comment period, Pioneer Institute…
November 15, 2018/by Editorial Staff