Closing the Doors, Leaving a Legacy: Embark Microschool’s StoryMarch 6, 2025 - 12:28 pm
Study: Inclusionary Zoning Helps Some, but Can Jeopardize Broad-Based AffordabilityMarch 6, 2025 - 9:43 am
UK Oxford’s Robin Lane Fox on Homer & The IliadMarch 5, 2025 - 10:24 am
Director/Actor Samuel Lee Fudge on Marcus Garvey & Pan-AfricanismFebruary 26, 2025 - 1:31 pm
State Report Card on Telehealth Reform: Progress Slowed in 2024 Leaving Patients Without AccessFebruary 26, 2025 - 12:02 pm
Wildflower’s 70+ Microschools, Eight Years Later: Did Matt’s Vision Become Reality?February 20, 2025 - 2:31 pm
Pioneer Institute Study Says MA Housing Permitting Process Needs Systemic ReformFebruary 19, 2025 - 7:09 pm
Cornell’s Margaret Washington on Sojourner Truth, Abolitionism, & Women’s RightsFebruary 19, 2025 - 1:08 pm
UK Oxford & ASU’s Sir Jonathan Bate on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet & LoveFebruary 14, 2025 - 11:41 am
Mapping Mass Migration – New 2024 Census Estimates Show Surge in Population Growth, With Considerable CaveatsFebruary 13, 2025 - 1:13 pm
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Minneapolis 180, Boston 0
/0 Comments/in Blog, News, Related Education Blogs /byThis just in from our friends at the Institute for Justice: The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals has come down with a decision that protects a freer market for tax medallions in Minneapolis. The Institute for Justice Minnesota Chapter intervened in the case on the side of the city of Minneapolis to defend its free-market reforms that removed a cap on the number of taxis allowed to operate within city limits. The reforms, finalized on March 30, 2007, will open the market to entrepreneurs who are fit, willing and able to serve the public, increase the number of cabs by 180 in the coming years, and eliminate completely the cap on the number of cabs in Minneapolis by 2011. In […]
Welcome to Massachusetts, Secretary Duncan!
/0 Comments/in Blog, News, Related Education Blogs /byU.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan is in town this Thursday for an event at the Museum of Science and what is likely to be an announcement from Governor Patrick that he is seeking to lift the cap on charter schools in Massachusetts in order to access the Race to the Top funding. Still lack of clarity on the proposal, but it seems to be looking like no quotas on specific populations and a proposed increase in the net district spending on charters from 9% to 14%. Given the reputation Massachusetts has gained over the past few years (en bref, they’re not welcoming to new charters!), this is not enough. To get KIPP and other national, proven players to declare Massachusetts […]
Thank You, Finally, Adrian Walker
/0 Comments/in Better Government, Blog, News /by Liam DayIt’s about time. I’ve been watching the Zoo New England drama unfold in the Globe and the Herald since the incendiary headlines in Saturday’s papers and been wondering how long it would take for someone to call the Zoo’s bluff. Now, I like the Zoo, have been there twice in the past 13 months, but I believe there are three things to keep in mind as you watch this political stand-off: 1) Apparently the Zoo’s not so poor it can’t afford it’s own PR firm. 2) The Zoo still hasn’t disclosed what the location fee was it received from the studio filming the new Kevin James movie there (Read down a few paragraphs here.) and 3) A significant number of […]
File Photo Fun at the Globe
/0 Comments/in Blog, Blog: Better Government, News /byPage A10 of today’s Globe has a background piece on Charlie Baker. Someone with a sense of humor picked out a photo of Baker in action during his tenure in the Executive Branch. It shows him seated at a table with…….current Patrick Administration Secretary of A&F Leslie Kirwan (back when she worked for Baker.)
A bit of soul searching
/0 Comments/in Blog, News /byMatt Murphy of the Lowell Sun writes today on an issue that Pioneer has been banging the drum on for some time: the growth in the state’s payroll notwithstanding the fact that we are in a recession. (See our Countdown to Fiscal Sanity, item #9, for more.) Murphy notes that While many private-sector companies continue to shed jobs at alarming rates, state employees have been largely spared the anxiety of getting a pink slip. The state payroll, in fact, has grown by about 2,200 employees since the recession came to Massachusetts last fall, leaving roughly 98,278 workers dependent on the state for a paycheck, according to payroll records that include the University of Massachusetts and other public colleges. Meanwhile, Fall […]