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Do I hear $1.9 Billion?

Yep, you sure do. The total cost of the South Coast Rail Link gets pegged at that figure in today’s New Bedford Standard-Times. That’s up from $1.4 billion last year, and the 2003 estimate of $670 million. Guess we better build it fast at these rates of increase….

Where is Rahm Emanuel?

When he was selected last year by President Obama to be his chief of staff, it was assumed Rahm Emanuel was chosen so he could be the new President’s muscle. His public reputation, earned during his years in the Clinton administration and in Congress, where he also for a time headed the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and publicly feuded with Howard Dean over electoral strategy, was one for being something of a head cracker. He was, after all, the basis for the character of Josh Lyman on the West Wing. Nevertheless, as the national health care debate has unfolded, both in and outside the hallowed halls of Congress, the Democrats have too often allowed their opponents to hijack the agenda […]

Is it too much to ask…

…to change the name of the line items at the Department of Developmental Services? DDS used to be the Department of Mental Retardation and a name change has been in the works since at least the early part of this year. Yet, the FY10 budget, passed in June, contain six separate line items using the term “mentally retarded”. Details, I realize, but easy ones to fix.

Scenes from the Parade

The Roslindale parade was held yesterday. The Globe even covered it! My unorganized thoughts: – Sam Yoon is working very hard for Michael Flaherty. He (and his supporters) were out marching and he was hustling up and down the side of the route, shaking hands and working the crowd. (One wag lamented: “Too bad he wasn’t like this when he was running”) – The contrast between the Menino presence and the Flaherty-Yoon presence was palpable. Menino was the first marcher, with just two aides and his wife. It felt almost perfunctory. He didn’t come off the route, even during breaks, to shake hands. Flaherty-Yoon had a large contingnent of chanting, sign-waving supporters and both men aggressively worked the crowd. – […]

Enter the Job-Month

During last year’s casino debate, there was an awkward period when huge job creation estimates were being thrown around — 30,000 new jobs was the high point. It turned out that the these estimates were derived by multiplying the number of jobs by their duration (e.g. 10,000 construction jobs for three years equals 30,000 “jobs”). I see the logic, but it overstates the number of actual jobs created. The Feds have no taken this analysis to the next level — coming out with an estimate of 122,000 new jobs from stimulus spending. Turns out that this figure is based on job-months (which would result in the above equation becoming 10,000 jobs for 36 months equals 360,000 jobs!).