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Congratulations to Paul Toner

The Cambridge Day News reported over the weekend that Paul Toner was elected new president of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, taking over for Anne Wass. In a statement, Toner pledged that “MTA will lead the fight for positive change in order to improve our schools and support our students. “Where there are issues to be addressed, such as significant achievement gaps between our student populations, we will not shy away from these challenges,” he continued. “Teachers and their unions are not the problem; we have the solutions.” We hope to work with Paul and the MTA.

Addressing Staff Complaints

Stefan (to his Hungarian friends István) Poftak has not said a word. No, not a word. But, alas, I know those furtive side glances and the all-too-confident smirk all too well. He has nailed down three consecutive blog entries and is feeling quite good about himself. But I have been working, comrade, I have been working! Read here.

Mr. Speaker, Why Stop With The CJAM?

UPDATE: Eagle-eyed reader notes that the amendment was filed by Representative (and State Senate candidate) Mike Rush. This morning’s Globe reports on an effort by Speaker DeLeo to move the Chief Justice for Administration and Management from their rented office space to free space in the City Square Courthouse. DeLeo spokesman Seth Gitell cites multi-million dollar cost savings for the move. But the more cynical among us note the LEG’s seemingly eternal desire to micromanage the courts and trample the notion of separation of powers. So, if you aren’t just picking on the CJAM, you’ve got another potential $185 million in savings to work on. This spreadsheet has all the 2009 disbursements for rent payments by state agencies, captured from […]

Why Did the Old Woman Swallow the Fly?

So, in order to make the convention center (which taxpayers subsidized to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars) a real success, we need to subsidize a massive expansion of the facility plus some portion of an estimated $700m hotel? Then we’ll be done? Promise?

Questioning the AGs Means, Not Motive

This morning’s Globe has a story on the Attorney General’s office handing out a grant to provide summer jobs in Boston. Now, that’s a fine thing to support in principle but why is the AG’s office in the business of grant-making to worthy causes? My read of the office’s enabling act — Chap. 12 of the MGLs — provides little insight. It turns out that the AG has been giving out grants to a variety of groups under the rubric of “Project Yes” which is spending out funds from a settlement with pharmaceutical companies on projects that “promote health”. Again, each of these group appears worthy of support. But why is the AG’s office making grants in the name of […]