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Patrick-Murray Campaign Upgrades to Latest Technology

A new piece of social networking hachi-machi to organize field workers? A rapid response e-blast system? No, the GOV and LG have added a bus to their arsenal. To date, only Guy Glodis has brought the bus to the 2010 statewide contests. Behold the campaign’s latest purchase:

Top 10 Reasons I Will Not Be Running for Tobin's Council Seat

10 – don’t actually live in district 9 – weekend attire of Celtics/Red Sox gear, mesh shorts and flip-flops considered unstatesmanlike 8 – equally unpopular with public safety employees and progressives 7 – not prepared to explain “It’s Polish, but my mom’s Irish” a million times 6 – far right-wing rants in college op-eds might come back to haunt me (actually, never mind…..) 5 – most district residents know me from screaming at (my own) unruly children at Roche Brothers 4 – have never sponsored little league or soccer team 3 – absolutely no relation whatsoever to anyone named Coppinger 2 – still not on Menino Machine’s Christmas Card list 1 – little-known rule reserves post for a graduate of […]

GOV's Race Machismo

This morning’s newspaper reports that the LG was hospitalized yesterday after marching in an incredible (insane?) 5 parades over the sweltering weekend. Get well soon, Tim Murray. So, is Tim Cahill’s tweet this AM a bit of one upsmanship? [emphasis added]: 7 parades in 3 days! Great parade coverage by @fox25news & @joebattenfeld #mapoli #magov #timin10 44 minutes ago via HootSuite

Happy 4th – Gordon Wood on the Founding

Below is a video of an event, History and Civic Education, that we held with Brown University Professor Gordon Wood, the amazing historian of the American Founding. The video starts with Charles White, the head of Project Civic Engagement in the School of Education at Boston University. My introductory remarks begin at 3:30. They are part good ol’ patriotic rant, I suppose, but they give you a sense about how Pioneer sees itself in our community today. At 9:15 Boston City Councilor Maureen Feeney, who so understands the importance of history instruction in our schools and the need for civic engagement informed by knowledge of our history and our institutions. And then at 18:17 begins Dr. Wood–and he is always […]

Happy 234th Anniversary: On Love of Country

In just two days, we will celebrate the 234th anniversary of our republic. To mark the occasion, I’ve been highlighting Ronald Reagan’s speech at the 1980 Republican convention. It’s not because he was a Republican, nor because he was perfect. We saw from 2000 to 2008 the unfriendly reception Republicans in Washington gave to the principles of our founders – and to even the more recent ideals restated by Reagan. Reagan had more than his share of faults, as do all actors on the American stage. What this last segment of that speech in 1980 points out is that the rare quality that Reagan had (and perhaps the only recent political figure I have seen who has it is a […]