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Curb your enthusiasm

Jobs is a tough issue for the Governor these days, given the news of job losses coming out of Wonderland. But then there’s the announcement today, which Robert Gavin reports about in the Globe: The state gained more than 13,000 jobs in July, while data revisions showed that employment growth in June, nearly 3,000 jobs, was far stronger than initially estimated, the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development reported today. The state unemployment rate held steady at 9 percent. David Guarino is tweeting about a pep rally the Governor is going to hold at 4:30 to celebrate the jobs numbers. And Doug Rubin is tweeting Globe: “MA added jobs for 6th consecutive month as MA economy continued a broad […]

No flies on them Freedom Fries

Huh? You’d think that I have that backwards, with the freedom-loving, federalist heritage that Americans love so much. Try this chart published in the August 12th Economist showing central (for us federal) government spending as a percentage of overall public spending. Statists and dirigistes is what we are. Makes you want to head across the pond, raise a glass of champagne and celebrate France’s undying commitment to liberte’!

I Love the Smell of Centrism in the Morning

I must admit to an unhealthy fascination with the state auditor’s race. Besides Guy Glodis’ bus, you’ve got an interesting cast of characters (and conflicting voter bloc loyalties) on both ballots. So, I was interested to see this yard sign duo cropping up around the Suffolk & Norfolk District:

Welcome to Forced Regionalization

This space has been a big proponent of regionalization, with a strong preference for organic, self-directed regionalization. For the towns surrounding Lawrence, they may not have that luxury. When we looked at the attempt to regionalize fire services on the South Shore in the report linked above, one unexpected finding was that some communities already received an implicit subsidy based on mutual aid agreements (and were loathe to enter into a regionalization agreement that caused them to have to pay up for what they were getting for free). The City of Lawrence appears to be doing something similar. It has cut back its fire department staffing to what appears to this layman to be extraordinarily low levels. As a result, […]

Offensive and Wrong

One of the card-carrying members of this town’s great and good, Judy Meredith, contributes the following to a Blue Mass Group discussion of Matt Amorello’s arrest: thanks for this ernie (6.00 / 4) so sad for Matt, not a bad fellow at all. I suspect too many police officers are high school bullies who were too stupid for community college and lacked the self control required by organized crime. by: Judy Meredith @ Tue Aug 10, 2010 at 09:09:01 AM CDT I include the entire comment (despite the awkward formatting) so no one can say its taken out of context. This space has not always had a great relationship with the public safety community (examples here and here), but I’ve […]