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2012 Massachusetts State Spending Map

In 2012, Pioneer Institute proudly reprised this exciting online tool — a spending map of Massachusetts’ state government — designed to help bring about more openness and accountability.   The map presents hundreds of government departments, agencies, and programs in a visual format, proportionate in size to their funding level. Looking at the whole map, viewers can ascertain the state’s spending priorities. You will also be able to scroll over and zoom into each component for a more in-depth examination of the number of agencies and departments that exist, and easily identify bureaucracy, inefficiency, and unnecessary duplication. Pioneer is pleased to provide this useful online map in an adjustable display format for all Massachusetts citizens interested in obtaining information about […]

A Deeper Dive into the Mass Health Reform Waiver & Why it Matters to the Future of the ACA

On December 20th, Governor Deval Patrick, and the entire Massachusetts Congressional delegation, congratulated themselves on the resolution of a six month delayed renewal of the Massachusetts Medicaid waiver. The waiver will run for the next 3 years. I blogged on Pioneer Institute’s website about the recent waiver delay here, here, here, and here. But for those that may not be as familiar, in essence the waiver serves as the foundation for the Massachusetts health care reform. At first glance at the new waiver, it does appear that the state squeezed substantial sums out of the federal government, but where that money ends up is the critical question. The media largely reprinted the press release, and completely ignored the historical context […]

MBTA Puts the Screws to Bus Riders

The MBTA released two scenarios to deal with a projected FY13 budget deficit of $161 million. Scenario 1 fills the gap with close to 80% fare increases and 20% service cuts. Scenario 2 roughly splits the difference between service cuts and fare increases. A quick review of the impact study tells me that Scenario 1 is the one that the MBTA wants. And that the ire of the public will quickly be focused on Scenario 2. Scenario 2 proposes a radically trimming of bus operations, eliminating 23.6% of bus trips and reducing ridership by about the same amount. The T’s bus system could use some consolidation and a greater focus on increasing throughput, but that’s a pretty big pill to […]

‘The Mass Factor’ takes on state politics from Danvers studio A small cable TV show called “The Mass Factor” is taking on big topics and spreading its unfiltered half-hour interviews to dozens of communities, thanks to a politically minded producer, Linda Flaherty, and a well-known Boston radio personality, Todd Feinburg. Feinburg, a Beverly resident, serves as host of the semi-monthly interview show on politics. Produced at Danvers Community Access Television’s studios on Elm Street, “The Mass Factor” is the brainchild of Flaherty, a Danvers resident who was able to persuade Feinburg to host it. Feinburg is a conservative, but the show is not about the host’s ideological perspective, rather it is an attempt to create a dialogue with elected officials or ordinary people on topics of the day. “My […]

Will 2012 be the year of the e-patient?

Dave deBronkart gave an interesting talk at a TED conference site last year that highlights the potential of patients having access to their own health data.