Lovett C. Peters Lecture: Honoring Harvard History Professor Niall Ferguson

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We’re proud to honor Harvard History Professor Niall Ferguson at our annual Lovett C. Peters Lecture, a dinner gathering with over 250 Pioneer supporters in Boston. The topic was, “The Ascent and Descent of Money: What Went Wrong with Western Finance?”

Niall Ferguson is a world-renowned historian, award-winning writer and leading intellectual on free markets. He is author of numerous best-selling books including The Great Degeneration: How Institutions Decay and Economies Die, Civilization: The West and the Rest, and The Ascent of Money.

The Peters Lecture is one of our annual signature events, through which we recognize innovative thought leaders who are advancing the public discussion on key issues. The Lecture serves as our way of giving back and saying thank you to our core group of supporters.

Past speakers have included education innovator Sal Khan, X-Prize Foundation head Peter Diamandis, Cory Booker, Jeb Bush, Gladstone Institute researcher Deepak Srivastava, and many more.

The LCP dinner and lecture is open to Pioneer members. Become a member today!