A Bold New Agenda: Introducing Pioneer’s New Board Chair Adam Portnoy

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Last week, Pioneer Institute announced the appointment of Adam Portnoy, President and CEO of The RMR Group, as new Chair of our Board of Directors, succeeding Stephen D. Fantone, who recently stepped down after eight years of dedicated service. We are excited about this new stage in Pioneer’s development, and want to introduce Adam to all of you, our supporters.

In the video below, Adam shares thoughts on what inspired him to become more involved in Pioneer’s work, highlighting the Institute’s data-driven, forward-focused approach to advancing policy solutions and creating more opportunities for all. He also offers his vision for the future, building our community of supporters and increasing our public interest law activities to strengthen our policy impact – which is the core of the Institute’s new Pioneer2024 strategic plan. We hope you enjoy this chance to get to know Adam and hear his message!

Join us as we embark on this ambitious new agenda! Learn about membership opportunities.

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