MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…
Report Calls on FMCB to Seek Legislative Intervention on Projected 18-Year, $1.485 Billion T Pension Shortfall
New evaluation commissioned by MBTA projects T contributions…
Pioneer Experts Offer Contrasting Prescriptions For MA Healthcare
BOSTON - New policy briefs from Josh Archambault and Barbara Anthony, two senior fellows in healthcare at Pioneer Institute, offer differing prescriptions for how Massachusetts should navigate uncertainty in the healthcare market, as Congress debates the fate of the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Public Statement On UMass Boston Finances
According to a State House News Service story yesterday, Education…
Study Applauds State Decision To Let Healthcare Spending Benchmark Decrease
Calls on policy makers to continue pursuing efforts to trim healthcare…
2017 Hewitt Healthcare Lecture: Innovations In The Massachusetts Healthcare Market
BOSTON - While efforts to revise the federal healthcare law continue,…
So you want to know something about pensions?
Now anyone can become a local pension system expert...
Study Estimates $27 Million In Savings Annually From Consolidation Of Public Pensions
Local retirement systems generate heavy costs, larger fiduciary…
Follow-Up Survey Finds Hospitals Still Fall Short On Price Transparency
Estimated price of routine procedure at 21 Massachusetts hospitals…
Study: Evidence Suggests MBTA Pension Low-Balled Costs And Liabilities
Quarter-century of data shows costs at up to six times valuation…
Teaching The First World War In Schools Is Topic For Pioneer History Forum
Event to feature Pulitzer Prize winner, celebrated Pres. Wilson…
Putting The T On A Clear Path To High Performance
Pioneer Institute recently submitted public testimony to the…
Study Finds MBTA Had Nation’s Highest Bus Maintenance Costs In 2015
Reducing costs to average of the most similar U.S. transit systems…
Press Release: Pulitzer Prize Winner, Shuttlesworth Widow, & Biographer Among Participants In Forum On Civil Rights, School Choice
Update: Watch the full video clip of this event:
Pioneer Urges Gov. Baker to Take Bolder Action on Public Records Reform
Governor’s Office in Massachusetts is one of only a handful…
Public Statement on the Recommendations of the Legislature’s Healthcare Provider Price Variation Commission
Commission Misses Great Opportunity to Advance Healthcare Price…
With Federal Health Law Facing Repeal, New Book Offers Alternative
U-Turn: America’s Return to State Healthcare Solutions
Improving Access To Health Systems Available To Older Patients
Guest post by Alex Carlin
As more Americans age in place,…
Meeting the Housing Needs of an Aging Population
Guest post by Mariella Rutigliano
Many Americans struggle…
Study: Inefficient Public Pension Investment Costs Taxpayers About $100 Million A Year
Local systems forfeited some $2.9 billion over 30 years by not…
Family Caregiving & the Promise of Technology
Guest post by Ben Margolin
When older Americans require around-the-clock…
Study Debunks False Claims Against Charter Public School Funding and Demographics
Charter schools in Massachusetts educating more special needs…
Ensuring a secure financial future for older adults
Every day, 10,000 Americans turn age 65. Adults over this age…
Study: MA Charter Public Schools Have Lower Attrition Rates Than Sending School Districts
Charters also seeing higher special needs enrollment, helping…
Report Calls for Independent Audit & Actuarial Valuation of T Pension Fund
Response commissioned by fund to whistleblower report dismissed…
Study Highlights Best Practices For Establishing and Updating K-12 History Standards
Massachusetts should be cautious in updating its highly regarded…
Public Statement on Nonrenewal of Keolis Commuter Rail Contract
Pioneer Institute welcomes the news that the MBTA will not renew…
Study Calls For Steps Toward Terminating Troubled MBTA Retirement Fund
The MBTA should assess the feasibility of moving its employees out of the Social Security system and transfer investment management responsibility for its pension fund to the commonwealth’s Pension Reserves Investment Management board as initial steps toward terminating the MBTA Retirement Fund
Study Urges New MBTA Strategic Plan to Focus on Attracting More Riders
Increased ridership would boost revenue, reduce congestion and…
“Aging In America” Is Topic For Pioneer Institute’s 26th Better Government Competition
BOSTON - "Aging in America" is the topic of Pioneer Institute's…
Study: New Massachusetts Science Standards Inferior To Their Predecessors
As a result of ignoring input from a distinguished national expert, Massachusetts’ Next Generation Science Standards adopted last spring by the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) fall short.