MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…
McAnneny’s January Musings – Legislative Transparency Takes Center Stage in the New Year
A new year unfolds with so much promise. It offers us all a fresh start, a clean slate, a reset. It is a time for reviewing, reassessing and revising.
Video Statement of Frank J. Bailey (Ret. Honorable), President of Pioneer Public Interest Law Center
Frank J. Bailey, President of the Pioneer Public Interest Law…
The House Call – January
This issue of The House Call covers the implementation of Boston's energy efficiency standards for large buildings. It also provides an update on the MBTA Communities Act after a busy fall Town Meeting season featuring rezoning votes, forced referenda, and - more recently - the SJC's Milton case decision.
Mapping Mass Migration – Remote Workers: The Most Mobile Residents
This week's edition of Mapping Mass Migration will cover…
Mapping Mass Migration: Massachusetts Remains a Top Destination for Immigrants
This week's edition of Mapping Mass Migration will cover foreign migration into Massachusetts in 2023 and since 2010, including an examination of the most and least attractive destinations for immigrants by state, a demographic breakdown of immigrants arriving in Massachusetts, and an analysis of how these trends have changed over time.
Mapping Mass Migration: New Census Data Shows Continued Out-Migration from Massachusetts to Competitor States
"Mapping Mass Migration" is Pioneer's new newsletter covering…
The House Call – Mayor Wu Wants to Overhaul Boston’s Arcane Development Approvals Process? Here Are Three Reform Options
Pioneer Institute is debuting The House Call, a monthly newsletter covering housing-related news and market trends in Massachusetts. The first issue explores reform options for Boston's arcane development approvals process and major reform items from the state's November 2024 economic development bill. Read our December issue today!
Pioneer Institute Releases Examination of Metropolitan Housing Markets; Obtains Insights Into Improving Affordability
Boston, Mass. – A Pioneer Institute review of reforms enacted in metropolitan areas across the country finds that to achieve more affordable housing in the coming decades, Greater Boston should focus on policies such as making it easier to build small multi-family projects, retrofit commercial areas with new housing, and loosen parking and minimum lot size requirements.
FY2026 Consensus Revenue Hearing – Forecasting of Revenues is Tricky Business
The next major event on the legislative calendar is the FY2026…
Pioneer Institute Study Finds Massachusetts Saw Four-Fold Loss of Income to Net Outmigration
Net loss accelerated in recent years; main reasons include high taxes, housing and healthcare
Massachusetts Job Market Bears Watching
The Bureau of Labor Statistics' most recent national jobs report…
McAnneny October Monthly Musings – Ballot Initiatives
Election season is upon us. In a few short weeks, voters will…
Pioneer Institute Study Finds Wide Range of Approaches to Compliance with MBTA Communities Law
Lexington’s approach seen as a model
BOSTON – As Massachusetts’…
Wrap Up of the Massachusetts Legislative Session – Or Is It??
The Massachusetts Legislature meets for two years beginning in…
What’s Included in Massachusetts’ $5.2 Billion Housing Bond Bill?
On August 1, 2024, the Massachusetts state legislature finalized…
Pioneer Institute Statement on the Project Labor Agreement Provision in the Massachusetts Economic Development Bill
Governor Healey should veto a provision in the recently passed…
Massachusetts Affordability and Competitiveness Ranking is in Freefall
Each year, CNBC ranks the 50 states on 10 broad categories of…
Study: U.S. Immigration System Limits Benefits Foreign Students Could Provide
Slow, inefficient system that discourages entrepreneurship puts U.S. at a competitive disadvantage
Is Free Community College What Massachusetts Needs?
The Massachusetts Senate proposed making community college tuition free for all residents of the Commonwealth as part of its FY2025 budget. Pioneer explores whether this program is what Massachusetts needs to prepare its residents for gainful employment and how it interacts with the state's extensive workforce development infrastructure.
Latest IRS Migration Data Show Exodus from Massachusetts Continues
Massachusetts shed more than double the amount of adjusted gross income (AGI) in 2022 than any year prior to 2020, making it fifth among states in net AGI out-migration behind only California, New York, Illinois and New Jersey, according to data released Thursday by the Internal Revenue Service.
Massachusetts Legislature Procrastinates Once Again
There are less than seven weeks left to the Massachusetts Legislature’s…
Commentary On The Senate Ways And Means Committee FY2025 Budget
The Senate Ways and Means Committee (SWM) released its FY2025 budget on May 7th. This spending plan totals $57.9 billion, an increase of $1.8 billion over the FY2024 General Appropriations Act (GAA). Like the Governor’s and House’s versions of the budget, the SWM budget is based on the consensus revenue estimate of $41.5 billion in tax revenue - a decrease of $208 million from last year’s consensus figure.
Milton Shuts the Door
on Multifamily Housing Plans
The MBTA Communities Act, passed in 2021, provides that the 177 communities serviced by the MBTA must create multifamily zones to spur housing development close to public transportation. But the issue is an emotionally charged one, with passions high on both sides. And Milton residents in February rejected a plan to create such housing ‚ choosing a loss of some state funding over an approximately 25 percent increase in their housing stock, along with the possibility of greater congestion.
on Multifamily Housing Plans
Pioneer Statement on Continuing Slide in Massachusetts’ Revenue
The Commonwealth’s tax collections continue to slide, totaling $3.594 billion in January, $268 million below what the state collected in January 2023, and short of the revised benchmark by $263 million. Massachusetts state government must live within its means by reducing FY2025 spending. The days of fiscal surpluses, unprecedented increases in year-over-year spending, and flowing federal aid have come to an end.
Pioneer Statement on Decline in State Revenues
The Commonwealth’s finances have stumbled hard in recent months, and based on a report the Department of Revenue (DOR) sent to the Legislature in January, the trend shows no signs of easing. Massachusetts needs a renewed emphasis on fiscal discipline and pro-growth policies to make the state economically competitive again.
Skill-based immigration could ease labor shortage
A recent Biden administration executive order that amends the Schedule A list, which identifies occupations experiencing labor shortages and allows immigrants in those occupations to expedite their employment in the U.S., could positively impact the hiring of skilled international workers for years to come — a welcome development as the country and Massachusetts struggle to attract talent amidst a worsening labor shortage.
My Musings on Massachusetts’ Fiscal Picture
Since the start of FY2024 on July 1, 2023, the state has experienced six straight months of revenues falling short of expectations. The single biggest factor is the unprecedented growth of the state budget since FY2021. The $15 billion increase in state spending contextualizes the seemingly modest projected revenue growth of 1.6 percent for FY2024 by highlighting that the base is very inflated.
The Massachusetts Workforce: Abundant Resources, Steep Challenges
Massachusetts features a strong workforce training system with abundant resources yet faces challenges in matching jobs and applicants, training youth, and attracting sufficient numbers of skilled immigrants, according to a pair of studies from Pioneer Institute.
New Report Explores Impact of Welfare Benefit Cliffs
In “Benefit Cliffs: A Literature Review on Welfare Structures as a Disincentive to Work,” Pioneer researcher Aidan Enright examines the extent to which complicated federal and state requirements related to welfare programs can provide a disincentive to employment or to working additional hours.
Pioneer Institute Statement on the State Legislature’s FY2024 Tax Relief Package
The recent advancement of a tax bill H. 4104, that is expected to be enacted by the Legislature this week after languishing for more than 20 months, puts Massachusetts taxpayers one step closer to realizing some tax relief. However, it may be too little to tackle the Commonwealth’s affordability and competitiveness challenges.