MBTAAnalysis: A look inside the MBTA
The MBTA shuttles over a million passengers a day around Greater…

Welfare Reform in California
On June 24, 1997, Eloise Anderson, director of the California Department of Social Services, delivered the keynote address at Pioneer Institute's Annual Meeting. Anderson, who oversees 4,200 employees and an annual budget in excess of $16 billion, posed a series of policy questions states are facing as they address welfare reform.

Should We Build It? Two Views on the Merits of Boston’s Proposed Convention Center
On May 30, 1997 the Northeastern University College of Business Administration hosted a discussion about the proposed Boston Convention Center that was co-sponsored by Pioneer Institute.

Challenging Convention(al) Wisdom: Hard Facts About the Proposed Boston Convention Center
As the political leadership of Boston and the Commonwealth consider investing $700 million in a new publicly owned convention center in South Boston, plans are already in place to enlarge facilities in the nation's capital and in San Francisco. Discussions have also begun in New York City, Atlanta, and San Jose to enlarge or replace facilities in those cities. In each case, the goal is to bring in more out-of-state visitors and the dollars that come with them. The success of each project is invariably assured by feasibility studies and civic pride.

If We Build It Will They Come? And Other Questions About the Proposed Boston Convention Center
In 1965 Boston's War Memorial Auditorium (later Hynes Convention Center) opened to great fanfare and anticipation. But, by the mid-1970s, Boston officials were already proclaiming Hynes too small for growing conventions and promising that an expanded convention center would draw far more meetings and visitors to the city.

Workers’ Compensation Reform: Finishing the Job in Massachusetts
On December 10, 1996, Pioneer Institute introduced its latest book, Toward a Safer Workplace: Reform and Deregulation of Workers Compensation, by James R. Chelius and Edward Moscovitch.

Block Grants: Changing the Welfare Culture from the Ground Up
On January 23, 1995, Pioneer Institute Academic Advisory Board member, Professor Brigitte Berger, testified in Washington, D.C., before the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Oversight regarding welfare reform.