Counterintuitive Healthcare Cost Data

It has been the conventional wisdom that small businesses are…

Blue Cross Blue Shield – The Public Trough?

I hate to go on a rant here, but $70,000 to be on the board of…

Healthcare Cost Control

Senate President Murray presented her ideas about controlling…

Progressive idea? Regressive in practice

That health care benefits are provided through employers for…

Minute Clinics are coming

This space has been a supporter of in-store limited service clinics…

Science giveth and science taketh away

The ethical controversy surrounding embryonic stem cells engendered…

An Interesting Idea — Behind the Counter Medications

A recent op-ed in the LA Times calls for certain medications…

Murray’s Healthcare Moment

The prospect for dynamic reform on Beacon Hill seemed slight…

Dear critic, Do you or don’t you

support the Massachusetts Health Care Reform? We get the question…

News flash – healthcare costs are rising fast

Thought I would remind you of that just in case you forgot. The…

Mass Health Care, USA

Mitt Romney is now doubling back to health care after his symbolic…

Counterintuitive Thoughts on Healthcare Costs

Back in October, we released a paper on business costs in Massachusetts.…

Let the handwringing begin…

CVS has sought state permission to open MinuteClinics in a number…

What Glenn gets wrong – Ed Reform and progress (3 of 4)

I remember a rally in front of the State House when my daughter…

What Glenn glosses over – GIC and better coverage for teachers (2 of 4)

Odd that, in his letter to the Globe editor (6/30/07), Glenn…

Where Glenn Koocher agrees – GIC cost sharing (1 of 4)

In a letter to the Globe editor yesterday, it seems that Glenn…

They call it Pioneer Valley for a reason, 1

One of the standout winners at the 2007 Better Government Competition…

Tooting My Own Horn – Biotech Edition

Pioneer has had a lot to say about the Governor's biotech proposal…

Two-fer from the Globe

Yesterday's editorial in the Globe on the Governor's veering…

Baker-Levy Smackdown, Part Two

Paul Levy runs Beth Israel, an academic medical center (and a…

Who will improve our health care blues?

Today's Globe editorial lays out the health care riffs of the…

More budget minutiae

A close reading of the Outside Sections in the Senate Ways and…


Ok, maybe that's a bit dramatic. Or a lot dramatic, but interesting…

Budget Minutiae – Part 2 of a 700 part series

More interesting fun with amendments and earmarks -- What if…

Rationalizing Health and Human Services

Author: Charles D. Baker, Jr. The proposal to rationalize…

An Economic History of Health Care in Massachusetts 1990-2000

Author: Jerome H. Grossman, M.D. This report examines the…

Nonprofit to For-Profit Conversions in Health Care

Privatization is a term that has triggered passionate debate…