Questions for the AG on Health Reform 2

Attorney General Coakley spoke this afternoon at MAHP's annual…

Obama Admin Rethinking Massachusetts Model? Part 2

My now monthly blog post wondering if there will be agreement…

Is Cake Health the Answer to Our Health Care Cost Problem?

I just stumbled upon a great app that is helping individuals…

Patrick Admin’s Misdiagnosis on ACA Transparency

This post was co-written by Michael Morisy. During this year’s…

Are ACOs designed to care for grandparents also good for their grandkids?

This op-ed ran in the Boston Business Journal Friday September…

Does Your Doctor Know How Much That Costs?

A local group  (run by a former classmate of mine) is accepting…

Obama Admin Rethinking Massachusetts Model?

The summer has led to little news from the Legislature and…

Governor, When is Excessiveness Excessive?

The state senate is trying to decide whether to override the…

Wishful Thinking On Romneycare & Obamacare for Employers

Over at the left-of-center blog The Incidental Economist, Austin…

Massachusetts is 1st in the Nation on Health Care Cost!

However, this gold medal is one we wish we could return. Kaiser…

Do you feel safer in a hospital or on an airplane?

The World Health Organization released a report recently that…

Feds Crapping Away Health $ and Increasing Deficit

GAO (Government Accountability Office) will release a report…

Vermont Single-Payer Plan Full of Holes

The Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts held a…

Beacon Hill’s Budget MassHealth Mirage

Today the Legislature will vote on the final state budget. I…

HCFA & GBIO’s Misdiagnosis

Health Care for All and the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization…

Misinformation About Massachusetts Reform from the Left

Jonathan Cohn, Senior Editor of The New Republic tries to undercut…

Doc Gives Grim Diagnosis to “HCR II” in MA

WBUR's CommonHealth blog posted an interview with Dr. Wayne…

Mass Takes a Pass on HSAs

America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) released a report on…

Beacon Hill’s Magical Mystery Medicaid Savings

As the Senate and House work to reconcile their respective versions…

MA Public Opinion of RomneyCare

Kay Lazar had an interesting piece in The Boston Globe on a…

More Bad News for Governor’s Regulatory Regime for Payment Reform

A Washington Post article today is sure to influence the debate…

Is Medicaid (MassHealth) Preventing the Poor from Breaking out of Addiction?

Lawrence Harmon of The Boston Globe had a very interesting…

Gov. Patrick’s Regulatory Regime for Payment Reform

This was the testimony I submitted today to the Joint Committee…

Maine Moving on Health Care

An interesting experiment is about to be unleashed in one of…

Massachusetts Medicaid “Savings” in Trouble?

The New York Times reports In a new effort to increase access…

Connector Saving Taxpayer Money

On this blog-- and in the press-- I have often been critical…

Harvard’s Effort to Make Cities Matter

Harvard’s Advanced Leadership Initiative has recently launched…

Pioneer Goes Local! “MuniShare” Municipal Report Contest

As part of Pioneer Institute's annual Better Government Competition,…

Lessons from Massachusetts Health Care Reform (Romneycare)

Last month marked the first anniversary of the federal healthcare…

Gov Patrick Confused on Economics on “Daily Show”

Governor Patrick was on Comedy Central's "Daily Show" Tuesday…