Tocqueville on the threat of a mild despotism

Pioneer focuses on four policy issues that we believe are critical…

The Civil Rights Issue of Our Era

Black History Month may have come and gone but Pioneer believes…

Is it Time to Rethink State Boards of Education?

Some political officials (Governor Sandoval of Nevada) and self-described…

Don’t Waste the Crisis over Common Core

The entire Common Core project is rapidly going south, and within…

Arne Duncan, fiction writer

News flash for Washington watchers!  Now we know what Arne Duncan…

Thoughts on what everyone hates talking about (testing)

No one wants to talk about testing except the people that want…

Steps for States to Follow to Replace Common Core

To help out governors and state legislatures that really want…

Common Core’s standards can be replaced by first-rate standards overnight

In a funny story in the Washington Post on December 24, 2014,…

How to Make Common Core Useful?

What could be done to make the idea of a common core across 50…

How to Maintain the Massachusetts “Education Miracle”

Not by using Common Core-based standards and tests, for sure,…

Jeb Bush’s Rhetoric and Reality on Common Core

Pioneer Institute respects Governor Jeb Bush’s education reform…

How Colleges Are Dumbing Our Kids Down, Too, and What We Can Do About It

It’s not just Common Core’s standards and the curriculum…

Massachusetts Gubernatorial Candidates on K-12 Education Policy

K-12 education policy too often is the province of powerful special…

Those Mathematical Societies That Supposedly Endorsed Common Core’s Standards Didn’t

Stanford University mathematics professor R. James Milgram included…

BPS’ all-in adoption of PARCC is bad for kids, and is illegal

A front page article by Jamie Vaznis in the Boston Globe…

Doubling Down on Doublespeak

This past week, the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by…

We Now Have a Smart Exit Strategy from Common Core

Rick Hess and Mike McShane back in the spring wrote in the…

Pioneer Institute Statement on Senate Charter School Cap Lift Vote

The Senate Turns Back the Clock Today, the Massachusetts State…

Representative misrepresenting

Chalk this one up to elected officials representing people other…

On Common Core, a Study in Contrasts

In a front-page article in June, the Washington Post featured…

7 Major Differences between No Child Left Behind and Common Core/Race to the Top

1. Focus of Accountability: Schools or Teachers Under No Child…

Massachusetts Charter Schools: “A Fire You Can’t Put Out”

This past week, at the urging of state K-12 education commissioner…

Public Statement on MA BESE Vote Limiting Charter School Enrollment

Today, at the recommendation of Commissioner Mitchell Chester,…

How to Turn a Sow’s Ear into a Silk Purse

Gates, Duncan, Fordham et al misunderstood from the beginning…

The Globe on Common Core and Poetry

It is not stereotyping poets to say that they burn with a particular…

Legislative Common Core Remedy No Panacea

The next phase of the Great Game to control the minds of the…

A Fractured Testing Landscape

One of the benefits of waking up at 3 am to do some work is that…

Another Misleading Attack on Charter Schools from the BTU

A recent Boston Teachers Union e-bulletin grossly misrepresented…