Outsourcing Helps Cities and Towns Provide Better Services for Less

New Report Shows Municipalities across the Bay State Can Reduce Costs by 75% and Increase Productivity by Contracting Services

Watch Me Pull A Rabbit Out of My Hat

Again? Ruffle up my sleeve. Presto. The Great and Good…

State budget: Late and not so great

With the next fiscal year now the current fiscal year, it’s…

After Dozens of Rounds of Layoffs, More State Employees Than Before

Even after dozens of rounds of layoffs and promises of cutbacks…

Senate mischief prove collusion with unions

Two thoughts to add to Jim Stergios’s excellent post below…

Kerry should leave lending standards alone

Our compassionate Sen. John Kerry is at it again, in behalf…

Bob Haynes will leave labor worse than he found it

Nobody should shed any tears for Bobby Haynes, the longtime president…

Pioneer Institute Announces Winner of 20th Annual Better Government Competition

Pioneer Institute Announces Winner of 20th Annual Better Government Competition

Mend over matter

For those of you who are inclined to think that Massachusetts…

Your vote is sacred, unless we don’t like it

The vote of the people is sacred. Except when it’s not. And…

Pay-to-play is rampant in Boston

Interesting juxtaposition in the news of the week. Sal DiMasi,…

Jobs for kids? Try cutting the minimum wage

The Boston Globe remains an unapologetic public-relations arm…

Fight of the Century

Education does not only take place in our schools, though we…

Labor leader admits it – unions have bought the Legislature

Robert Haynes supposedly represents organized labor, as head…

R.I.P. to a stellar public servant

There have been, and will be, hundreds of good things said about…

Tax-exempt only in name

“Fairness” is one of the most abused words in politics. And…

Harvard’s Effort to Make Cities Matter

Harvard’s Advanced Leadership Initiative has recently launched…

It’s not what you say, it’s how you cloak it

It has been said before, but it bears repeating: Control the…

Enter Pioneer’s “MuniShare” Municipal Report Contest

As part of Pioneer Institute's annual Better Government Competition, Pioneer is offering two $3,000 awards for the best municipal reports.

A way to bend the cost curve up

Minimum staffing provisions in public sector union contracts…

Public pension tension is warranted

Interesting juxtaposition in the Globe recently on public pensions. First…

It’s not where the gov is, it’s the business climate

The timing was lousy. Gov. Deval Patrick was on his big “trade…

Evolution in Performance Management

StatNet - a performance management system of government performance management programs - is helping to improve the effectiveness of local government. This evolution - from managing performance locally to sharing data to establish industry benchmarks - has the potential to revolutionize municipal management.

Report shows reforms to state’s costly Unemployment Insurance system would create 10,000 new jobs, $7.5B in economic growth

High Tech Council, Pioneer Institute push reforms to nation’s most expensive safety net

GLOBE OP-ED: Mass. cities need new deal with public employees

The Mayor of New Bedford-- one of Pioneer's Middle Cities--…

VIDEO: Is Beacon Hill Rigged?

On a quiet Friday afternoon during the holidays, Beacon Hill…

Giving Voters the Information They Need

Here we sit on election eve.  Before us are decisions not only…

Education Tax Credits: A Review of the Rhode Island Program and Assessment of Possibilities in Massachusetts

A Review of the Rhode Island Program and Assessment of Possibilities…

Pension Protest Style Points

I am increasingly dismayed at the lack of style at American (and…