S.C. Lawmakers Hear Testimony on Anti-Common-Standards Bill
http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/curriculum/2012/02/south_carolina_bill_to_withdra.html A bill to prevent implementation of the common standards in South Carolina is rumbling through the state Senate. According to the Associated Press, there were so many people that wanted to testify at yesterday’s subcommittee hearing that another hearing was scheduled for next week. The bill was introduced last year in the state Senate, as we reported to you. Sponsored by Republican Mike Fair, S. 604 would bar the state from putting into practice the standards that were adopted by the state board of education in July 2010. Interestingly, the hearing yesterday drew common-core opponents from out of state. A Senate education committee staffer was kind enough to supply me with a list of those who testified. Supporters of […]